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  • I can guarantee they are absolutely NOT random! I can start saving every screen shot and post them here for you to see since you obviously don't believe the stats that prove you are either in denial, in the dark, don't know or are lying.
  • Sage- you haVE GOT to be joking, right??! The spins are not unlucky, unless you count rigged to land on gun parts on a 95% basis as unlucky. The actual dog stamps might appear on the free spin of the day, but subscription spins are ALL gun parts- every time. That's not unlucky, that's rigged, and if we want dog stamps we…
  • I am completely in agreement with you- the whole system is rigged. I have exactly the same issues- gun parts and more gun parts! With the diving, the free daily is usually pretty good, but the silver and gold will guarantee I get a +5 something I don't need (yet). Then I have the awesome opportunity to buy the spots next…
  • It's a "pay to play" world now. But I'll tell you- on the diving game, and the dogs as well- the fix is in! With the free daily spin on both, you can have a fair shot at getting something worthwhile. If you subscribe, you get extra spins- but 90%+ of the dog spins get you gun parts that are useless! For the fishing side,…
  • I cannot agree enough!! The fishing spins are fine, though I really wish they would ONLY put the next level suits/equipment in the spins rather than the entire line. OR... allow us to buy the parts we need to progress. With the dog spins, they are definitely NOT random! I subscribed tot the gold crate, and out of 9 spins…

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