
Best Vehicle?

AshwinAshwin Registered Users 28 Posts
Which is the Best Vehicle?


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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts
    Boy that's a tough question cause in the hands of a really good player almost any vehicle is good, however for me it's probably the Pummeler followed by Shooter. I would mention the demolisher but I just can't seem to get the knack down for using this vehicle.
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    ber_man37ber_man37 Registered Users 19 Posts
    For Deathmatch and Team deathmatch, my top 3 in order are:

    1. Mantis - good in hit and run. Weapon of choice is Missile plus heat seeker consummables, no need to have perfect aim just put it in the right direction and it will still manage to hit its target, also manages me to keep my distance on those vehicles with knockback consummables.
    2. Demolisher - armor syphon. Sucker to the big vehicles. Using laser or machine gun with knockback consummables.
    3. Ravager - love it when i disrupt the engine of my enemies then proceed to hammer them with my weapon (guns and melee). Using laser or machine gun with knockback consummables.
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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts
    ber_man37 wrote: »
    For Deathmatch and Team deathmatch, my top 3 in order are:

    1. Mantis - good in hit and run. Weapon of choice is Missile plus heat seeker consummables, no need to have perfect aim just put it in the right direction and it will still manage to hit its target, also manages me to keep my distance on those vehicles with knockback consummables.
    2. Demolisher - armor syphon. Sucker to the big vehicles. Using laser or machine gun with knockback consummables.
    3. Ravager - love it when i disrupt the engine of my enemies then proceed to hammer them with my weapon (guns and melee). Using laser or machine gun with knockback consummables.

    Good point on mantis as well as ghost, I've lost many a match to faster vehicles that stay out of range.

    Demolisher is one vehicle I just don't seem to have good success, it's probably my skills and how I attack opponents, I just can't seem to get this machine down.

    Ravager I am 50 50 on success which is usually due to either good team or bad. With a good team they recognize the threat early and double team me to destroy the threat. On bad teams its just the opposite and I tend to pick them off rather easily.

    Consumables can really up your game if you can afford them, if you are lacking, they can balance a game out, if you are a really good player it's almost an unfair advantage.
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    MikeMike Registered Users 460 Posts
    There was a time that I would never consider the Demolisher, but going against other players who are skilled with it, and using it myself, I would say that it is the best vehicle. It is the vehicle I dread most in play. If you are a large vehicle going against the Demolisher you become an easy target for them, and all they do to you is siphon off your power giving you a slow death. After practicing with it with some time, I think it probably helps me to win the most.

    The one other vehicle I would say is the best is the Shooter, because it can knock out small or large opponents using T4 rockets rather quickly with its passive ability
    FRENZY [S&A Co.™]
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    AshwinAshwin Registered Users 28 Posts
    My favourite is Dozer and Shooter's Truck
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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts
    Ashwin wrote: »
    My favourite is Dozer and Shooter's Truck

    Tell me why this is your favorite, what components are you using with each vehicle?
    Are you using consumables, which ones?
    Do you save on capacity by not using melee?
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    MikeMike Registered Users 460 Posts
    Ashwin wrote: »
    My favourite is Dozer and Shooter's Truck

    Curious, what kind of paint job to do you use for each of those vehicles?
    FRENZY [S&A Co.™]
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    BoyconzinBoyconzin Registered Users 6 Posts
    I like small vehicle such as Mantis, Shooter, Ghost. For Demolisher, i think it is one of best vehicle but not interesting. If you use correctly component and weapon with Demolisher, you could win skill player even you are new commer.
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    MikeMike Registered Users 460 Posts
    Boyconzin wrote: »
    I like small vehicle such as Mantis, Shooter, Ghost. For Demolisher, i think it is one of best vehicle but not interesting. If you use correctly component and weapon with Demolisher, you could win skill player even you are new commer.

    Welcome Boyconzin! Glad you shared your thoughts. The small vehicles definitely have speed on their side and makes them difficult targets to hit so if you are skilled at these vehicles, kudos to you. At first when I tried the Dozer I was a little frustrated with it because it is slow and makes for a large target so I stopped using it. Then I saw others using it and even beating the fast vehicles like the Mantis, at which point, I decided to give it a retry. I have to say it is quite fun when you crush some of those other vehicles with its active ability. I agree with you about the Demolisher, if you can get the skills down to use it can be quite a formidable challenge even with newcomers.

    If you care to share, what is your game center name if you have one? Would be happy to play some rounds with you if you would like. Again, welcome! :)
    FRENZY [S&A Co.™]
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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts
    Mike wrote: »
    Welcome Boyconzin! Glad you shared your thoughts. The small vehicles definitely have speed on their side and makes them difficult targets to hit so if you are skilled at these vehicles, kudos to you. At first when I tried the Dozer I was a little frustrated with it because it is slow and makes for a large target so I stopped using it. Then I saw others using it and even beating the fast vehicles like the Mantis, at which point, I decided to give it a retry. I have to say it is quite fun when you crush some of those other vehicles with its active ability. I agree with you about the Demolisher, if you can get the skills down to use it can be quite a formidable challenge even with newcomers.

    If you care to share, what is your game center name if you have one? Would be happy to play some rounds with you if you would like. Again, welcome! :)

    Mike, funny you mentioned the dozer as I too have resisted using this lumbering giant because I just couldn't get it moving so decided to lighten the load, give it some low end torque and some top end speed. Doing this has allowed me have some fun with this vehicle yet I get killed more often due to lower armor, no wrench etc. but it is more fun, seasoned players will still wreak havoc with this setup yet it's a lot more fun.
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    BoyconzinBoyconzin Registered Users 6 Posts
    Mike wrote: »
    Welcome Boyconzin! Glad you shared your thoughts. The small vehicles definitely have speed on their side and makes them difficult targets to hit so if you are skilled at these vehicles, kudos to you. At first when I tried the Dozer I was a little frustrated with it because it is slow and makes for a large target so I stopped using it. Then I saw others using it and even beating the fast vehicles like the Mantis, at which point, I decided to give it a retry. I have to say it is quite fun when you crush some of those other vehicles with its active ability. I agree with you about the Demolisher, if you can get the skills down to use it can be quite a formidable challenge even with newcomers.

    If you care to share, what is your game center name if you have one? Would be happy to play some rounds with you if you would like. Again, welcome! :)
    Yes, Dozer is so funny and interesting. After bought this vehicle, i used most of time with Dozer. The result is not bad but i realize that i could not win often if i only have T3 missle weapon for Dozer. I only have 248 gold when the discount price is 250 for T4 :((.
    My nick name is "Heo", game center name is "heomap251283".Nice to see you.
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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts
    Boyconzin wrote: »
    Yes, Dozer is so funny and interesting. After bought this vehicle, i used most of time with Dozer. The result is not bad but i realize that i could not win often if i only have T3 missle weapon for Dozer. I only have 248 gold when the discount price is 250 for T4 :((.
    My nick name is "Heo", game center name is "heomap251283".Nice to see you.
    Look forward to GC matches in the future!
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    AshwinAshwin Registered Users 28 Posts
    I am using Missle Launcher for my Dozer my paint job is Viking Dozer. I am using Tornado Cannon For my Shooter's Truck. I use his normal paint jon
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    AshwinAshwin Registered Users 28 Posts
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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts
    Ashwin wrote: »
    Must be nice to have all that gold. Helps with the setup a lot especially consumable.
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    seanybryanseanybryan Registered Users 4 Posts
    I enjoy both Zombie Shooter and the Dozer. I currently use tier 4 capacitor/tier 4 prototype ammo/tier 4 tungsten armor with the tornado cannon for Shooter. I use tier 4 prototype ammo/tier 3 titanium armor/tier 4 tungsten armor with tornado cannon on Dozer.
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    ber_man37ber_man37 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Ashwin wrote: »

    You must be very rich to have that 3 million glu credits. :)
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts

    Wow. Alot of money, i wonder how rich you are or how many hours you had to play to get that :p . As you can clearly see that is totally "legit" (joking)
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    DdannenDdannen Registered Users 875 Posts

    Wow. Alot of money, i wonder how rich you are or how many hours you had to play to get that :p . As you can clearly see that is totally "legit" (joking)
    Early on, the indestructible android version was wide open and players could rack up gold real fast, now it's 10 a day and sometimes you have to work for that pittance.
    Dapper [S&A Co.™]

    Yeah that's my GC name!
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Was it that open to let someone be able to get 3 mil glu coins? Pretty hard to get that even if you get 1,000 glu coins a day
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    mtheadmthead Registered Users 266 Posts
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Trust me i have no doubt that he was hacking/cheating. There is no way a legit user would get 3 million glu coins. He even admited to it in this thread too
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    ber_man37ber_man37 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Trust me i have no doubt that he was hacking/cheating. There is no way a legit user would get 3 million glu coins. He even admited to it in this thread too

    Its an unfair advantage to those playing legit. :)
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    mtheadmthead Registered Users 266 Posts
    but it is possible to earn a million

    if you have time and patience its possible... unless your a glu admin..would love to see a screen shot of there games

    there are a few tricks that helps you get more coins... lil kingdom is one of them.. but damn its very hard to get new citizens into apartments, i have less then 10 percent chance to get them in 8/100 floors :( and with eternity warriors 2, more glu coins

    saving up my glu coins for dragon storm
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    ber_man37ber_man37 Registered Users 19 Posts
    mthead wrote: »
    but it is possible to earn a million

    if you have time and patience its possible... unless your a glu admin..would love to see a screen shot of there games

    there are a few tricks that helps you get more coins... lil kingdom is one of them.. but damn its very hard to get new citizens into apartments, i have less then 10 percent chance to get them in 8/100 floors :( and with eternity warriors 2, more glu coins

    saving up my glu coins for dragon storm

    My major source of glu coins is with Eternity Warriors 2, doing Boss rush. :)
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    mtheadmthead Registered Users 266 Posts
    my problem with ew2 is that it kills my phone... i even brought a spare battery for the game

    i do play with it on recharge but it drains the battery quickly.. and over heat my phone within few hours

    sometimes it overheats that badly that the phone will show 100% charged then after reset for memory clearing it dies straight away

    Food for thought - doing the ew2 boss rush glitch... would that be class as cheating?
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Still even if it is somehow possible 3 million? Really? As if he really spent that much time gaining 3 mill and he admitted in multiple threads of him hacking/cheating including this one so there is really no doubt of it
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    ber_man37ber_man37 Registered Users 19 Posts
    mthead wrote: »
    my problem with ew2 is that it kills my phone... i even brought a spare battery for the game

    i do play with it on recharge but it drains the battery quickly.. and over heat my phone within few hours

    sometimes it overheats that badly that the phone will show 100% charged then after reset for memory clearing it dies straight away

    Food for thought - doing the ew2 boss rush glitch... would that be class as cheating?

    What is the boss rush glitch? I dont know about it.
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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    Kind of is and not at the same time, dont want to talk about it publicly for it to be overused by everyone but it kinda is and its kinda not. It depends really but it is classified as it
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    mtheadmthead Registered Users 266 Posts
    im sure glu is pretty aware of this.

    but they choose to keep it as stupid as it sounds, but it could be a strategy they are using

    cause im sure there are alot of people are still playing the game compared to dragon storm, where i think most have given up on it

    Cause of that glitch it creates a replay factor for gamers to keep on coming back playing the game, which can result in them winning awards or some bull crap, or even win advertising contracts cause the amount of players they have playing this game
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