
Tips to help you WIN, WIN, WIN!



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    HoldUpHoldUp Registered Users 19 Posts
    Like nice advices, but only one thing can improve u players: experience
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    HoldUpHoldUp Registered Users 19 Posts
    Mike nice advices but only one thing can improve u players: experience
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Do not use heavy vehicles if you are not adding at least one Prototype Exhaust or else you will become a walking target.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Do not bother chasing after an enemy, particularly a fast vehicle, with non Heat-Seeking Rockets. You will never hit. Get ahead of your enemy and fire from behind.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Unless you intend to collide with the enemy all the time you do not need a melee weapon as it hinders the handling of the vehicle. If you play 'Recover The Charge' before you will notice it is harder to control your vehicle with the charge. Same goes if you add unnecessary weight to the front of your vehicle.

    Perhaps this tip is an exception for heavy vehicles but it is better to sacrifice the melee weapon for a more useful component without needing to add on an Advanced Capacitor.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Always add a Prototype Repair Tools (sic) to your light-medium vehicles, you will last much longer in the game than adding a Tier 3 Window, especially if your enemy is armed with a Flamethrower.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    During a Team Death Match, getting to the Double Damage power-up first will increase the chances of winning for the team including if you shoot at your enemies before the 10 seconds are up!
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Avoid confrontation with the enemy who got the Double Damage power-up for 10 seconds.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Always collect the Repair power-up at every slightest opportunity.. before your enemy takes it.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Always equip your light vehicle with a T4 Window.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Keep shooting at an immobilized vehicle, be it being overturned or respawning, make sure you keep running in circles. Chances of hitting are high and chances of being hit are low.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    If your vehicle is overturned, the last thing you want to do is attract attention from the enemy. Stop revving.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Practice tripping your enemy's vehicle over. An overturned vehicle is a stationary target.
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    GT3GT3 Registered Users 18 Posts
    Learn how to lock your wheels and you may prevent a fall (over the cliff) from those shooting High-Impact Bullets or Laser.
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    game_indestructiblegame_indestructible Registered Users, Member 13 Posts
    Hello everyone, I was able to revive the game, write to me in telegram or Google mail
    t.me/game_over_opType your comment
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