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  • Hahah i hate you sirsy :P
  • Gotcha.. Cool.. No.. What I mean when your playing and the odd time YOU see the opponent lying on the ground for the rest of the match - if YOU randomly attack you may kill the guy, but on the OTHER side the opponent sees you run around and appear invulnerable.. Ask your guildies.. At least one guy should know that.. As…
  • Hey SOS .. I'm surprised your saying this: 1. We have fought in arena a long time for many seasons 2. Because you've been playing so long you should be able to distinguish between a hack and a lag Do me a favour.. Next time you knock someone down and they stay down (which happens quite frequently) run around and attack…
  • Has anyone found more than 2 ancestral weps from oni general? Seems like everyone in my guild has been capped at 2 so far
  • Hi Handles and Moloch - thanks for the clarification.. Is it safe to say now that seeing that tiered spender and vip have been consolidated are you stating that we will no longer be able to win level 50 gold weps or level 50 resolve equipment with gold or god spins anymore (like old tiered spender) and only via gem…
  • Hi Moloch - can you confirm with this new VIP system that you will in fact continue to have tiered spender tourneys or will this be replacing them?
  • Well I'm eagerly waiting for the iOS update.. Someone please tell me that there is at least a daily quest where you can get jade tokens instead of only buying like the good old days.. And wishing on a star - that there's at least cosmetically different equipment from the drops of the new temporary bosses and not just a new…
  • I concur. I know the list of gripes is endless but id like to point out a couple thing: 1. Since her nerfing the mage in pvp is there any in the top 10? Top 20? I may be wrong but i dont see any.. But expect it'd be mainly monks are there.. This jump kick and run technique is stupid.. You cant ever seem to damage a monk…
  • Are you saying that its unfair that players change their names? Does it give people unfair advantages in tourneys? That's actually funny to hear.
  • Hey guys.. I dont know if i am clear but the point isn't about buying inventory space but the fact that by buying additional space and using it - I'm actually going less far in endless because instead of having slots for 100 found items im only able to find 50 items then i get pushed out of endless for lack of bag space.…
  • Just re-hashing this discussion. I believe that glu should put a hard cap of 50 items past your overall limit instead of what seems a hard limit of 200 items in endless.. I used my gems to buy additional inventory space but now all that happens is that i run out of room for endless tourneys because i now hit the limit 5…
  • Hahah.. I expect a rescind anytime Endori.. Being on the other end doesn't feel nice does it?
  • Ok.. Cool.. I understand.. If I reported every odd fight i saw the list would include a bunch of active players and would be a couple long minimum every day. As this seems to be a complaint that is repeated regularly.. My thoughts are it may NOT be hackers.. But whatever floats your boat. I'm more than happy to have glu…
  • Nice try Endori.. I may be having problems with my connection as trust me.. I'm losing more that I'm winning with people disappearing and reappearing around me.. To be quite frank theres a lot of matches where the other guys just keeps running and the match never formally starts where I lose.. Take a look at my stats.. If…
  • Ok.. I understand.. I dont like to be petty so if you have a beef with anyone in our guild, my suggestion is to take it up personally.. Calling out a guild on public forums isn't the way to go.. And yes.. I am very defensive of our guild because I'm proud of the job they do and how committed to the tourney they were.. And…
    in Hackers? Comment by Pt604 May 2014
  • So let's get this straight.. Instead of using basic math which for people with no math skills - you take the overall vp for the tourney and divide by 50 to get a reasonable number for which we did per person.. You instead say that we cheated because we were a couple million vp ahead of ou..?? Then you say that you don't…
    in Hackers? Comment by Pt604 May 2014
  • ...yes and that is you and I can work from home.
    in Hackers? Comment by Pt604 May 2014
  • No shots at anyone, but when you win a bunch of tourneys in a row you may not be as hungry as other guilds. That being said I earned over 1mm vp for that tournament and may have spent 20 gems overall.. Dedication to the cause of ensuring that I was able to not waste coins as they became available... Which sometimes means…
    in Hackers? Comment by Pt604 May 2014
  • I noticed that my level 38 monk has an additional quest for the new bosses for 20 offerings whereas my other two level 50s only got one quest for 30 offerings.. Is this a mistake or is glu trying to level the playing field?
  • Personally I'd look into any player that advanced above level 150.. I can get to level 134 regularly and cap out at around 141... I'm fully geared except for godly berz talisman and ring... But just can't see people passing much beyond 150 - even with potions as the timer is a big enemy for later levels when monsters just…

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