
New update

bfle8011bfle8011 Registered Users 1 Posts
did anyone peep the fact that this guy in the new update that is "acting weird" is just like the situation with marina joyce from this summer?


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    NaimonsterNaimonster Registered Users 5,127 Posts
    bfle8011 wrote: »
    did anyone peep the fact that this guy in the new update that is "acting weird" is just like the situation with marina joyce from this summer?

    Yes I heard about that YouTuber! When I read the new storyline about "acting weird" and people thinking he's being held hostage, immediately thought of her!

    And the vlogger himself, pewdiepie reference?
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    kiko.parkkiko.park Registered Users 165 Posts
    Personally I find it a bit inappropriate exploiting someone's struggles like that.. I don't know, I don't feel very comfortable with it.
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    kiko.park wrote: »
    Personally I find it a bit inappropriate exploiting someone's struggles like that.. I don't know, I don't feel very comfortable with it.

    I agree. I don't know what the end point of this storyline is going to be, but right now what's obvious is just making me feel bad for this guy. Maybe it's going to end up being some joke or other, but to me it seems just sad.
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    kiko.parkkiko.park Registered Users 165 Posts
    isabeau wrote: »
    I agree. I don't know what the end point of this storyline is going to be, but right now what's obvious is just making me feel bad for this guy. Maybe it's going to end up being some joke or other, but to me it seems just sad.
    I finished the storyline and was hoping it'd maybe bring awareness to mental health but it ended up being something very trivial (is that the correct word?). The storyline felt very unnecessary, especially after finishing it. Not really sure why they even added it in the first place. I just find it inappropriate.
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    kiko.park wrote: »
    I finished the storyline and was hoping it'd maybe bring awareness to mental health but it ended up being something very trivial (is that the correct word?). The storyline felt very unnecessary, especially after finishing it. Not really sure why they even added it in the first place. I just find it inappropriate.

    I finished it last night and also found it pointless. Do you think there was a certain little hint of meanness or what, because I just can't fathom it you know? And you're right, a little mental health info would've been such a good thing in general. Yes, I agree: trivial...in its inclusion and treatment. The guy was so upset he kept repeating things, and stammering--all because he had falling out with his gf?? I guess it could happen to a person--maybe? It was definitely inappropriate. Who on earth approved such a goes-nowhere, and felt-mean-spirited "storyline" such as that? Sighhhhh.
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    kiko.parkkiko.park Registered Users 165 Posts
    isabeau wrote: »
    I finished it last night and also found it pointless. Do you think there was a certain little hint of meanness or what, because I just can't fathom it you know? And you're right, a little mental health info would've been such a good thing in general. Yes, I agree: trivial...in its inclusion and treatment. The guy was so upset he kept repeating things, and stammering--all because he had falling out with his gf?? I guess it could happen to a person--maybe? It was definitely inappropriate. Who on earth approved such a goes-nowhere, and felt-mean-spirited "storyline" such as that? Sighhhhh.
    No clue.. I just think they 'liked' the buzz it created and thought it was a good idea to use it as a storyline?
    I guess it could happen but I don't think it happens often haha
    I really hope they don't do things like this in the future. It's just so insensitive and it kind of feels like they are mocking people. There's so many storylines they can create based on Kylie and Kendall's experiences so this was just unnecessary. Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this!
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    astrayastray Registered Users 1,538 Posts
    Maybe the reason why the outcome ended up being simple or not all that serious is because that's what actually happened during the Marina Joyce situation she wasn't mentally ill or kidnapped or being forced to act the way she was, she admitted that she milked it for all it was worth because she saw how genuinely concerned people were about her that people cared basically she loved the attention that came behind her fans and their conspiracy theories because thanks to them she got over a million or 2 million followers/subscribers on YouTube and twitter, she elaborated on the story during a Skype interview, her second interview she & her mum shot down every rumour or conspiracy theory that people who claimed to be her fans made up in their heads whilst the world was panicking & getting worked up and losing sleep for absolutely no reason Marina Joyce was sleeping peacefully in her bed this she, her friends, and mum admitted. After being harassed and bombarded with spam in their mentions her friends one is famous one isn't told them to stop asking them if she isn't OK or is OK because they've already told them she is and they still continue to make up rumours & spread them that it wasn't fair that they were harassing her family and friends people who actually care for her who are supporting her in her time of need, the next friend said someone called the cops and the cops left because as they told everyone before she's OK and the last person who is a famous YouTuber I think asked them to stop asking him about Marina because they've tried to #savemarinajoyce she has had a drug and drinking problem for years and she won't accept their help so there's not much they can do only Marina can ask and want the help, i assumed nothing was seriously wrong with her but wathing her videos she always seems a tad bit off but i didn't want to assume it was due to the drugs or alcohol so i assumed she was acting since most YouTubers have some of their stuff script but she admitted that only two or three of her videos were script the rest are all actually her and how she acts, whilst everyone else went with the theory that she must be in a state of psychosis but really as i said it turns out she's just got a really bad drug & alcohol addiction last time i heard they said she was going to rehab and get help so that's a great thing. This situation upset me because it just makes people not take people who are actually suffering or struggling with a mental ill serious they assume we're psychos or just attention seekers and we are anything but that we don't even like to talk about it for this specific reason.
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    astray wrote: »
    Maybe the reason why the outcome ended up being simple or not all that serious is because that's what actually happened during the Marina Joyce situation she wasn't mentally ill or kidnapped or being forced to act the way she was, she admitted that she milked it for all it was worth because she saw how genuinely concerned people were about her that people cared basically she loved the attention that came behind her fans and their conspiracy theories because thanks to them she got over a million or 2 million followers/subscribers on YouTube and twitter, she elaborated on the story during a Skype interview, her second interview she & her mum shot down every rumour or conspiracy theory that people who claimed to be her fans made up in their heads whilst the world was panicking & getting worked up and losing sleep for absolutely no reason Marina Joyce was sleeping peacefully in her bed this she, her friends, and mum admitted. After being harassed and bombarded with spam in their mentions her friends one is famous one isn't told them to stop asking them if she isn't OK or is OK because they've already told them she is and they still continue to make up rumours & spread them that it wasn't fair that they were harassing her family and friends people who actually care for her who are supporting her in her time of need, the next friend said someone called the cops and the cops left because as they told everyone before she's OK and the last person who is a famous YouTuber I think asked them to stop asking him about Marina because they've tried to #savemarinajoyce she has had a drug and drinking problem for years and she won't accept their help so there's not much they can do only Marina can ask and want the help, i assumed nothing was seriously wrong with her but wathing her videos she always seems a tad bit off but i didn't want to assume it was due to the drugs or alcohol so i assumed she was acting since most YouTubers have some of their stuff script but she admitted that only two or three of her videos were script the rest are all actually her and how she acts, whilst everyone else went with the theory that she must be in a state of psychosis but really as i said it turns out she's just got a really bad drug & alcohol addiction last time i heard they said she was going to rehab and get help so that's a great thing. This situation upset me because it just makes people not take people who are actually suffering or struggling with a mental ill serious they assume we're psychos or just attention seekers and we are anything but that we don't even like to talk about it for this specific reason.

    Oh see, I never heard the whole story and had stopped watching the vids (thank you for the big-picture explanation, astray). I remember the beginnings and the public becoming very alarmed about what was going on--yeah, that she'd been kidnapped, was being beaten; she wasn't acting like her regular self, someone was telling her what to do in the vids instead of her own direction and whimsy; how she didn't look or act "right" anymore; pointing out this and that going on in the background; real or imagined things going on in the room we could see in the house behind the garden. And that, as well as what you've, said only makes me even more sure that it didn't belong in the game. Since it's not any of the Law and Order spin-offs (yeah, some sarcasm here, how can I help but...?), where stories are written based on real-life crimes, tragedies, et. al., I can't think of any single reason it should've been bled into a game app about K and K. It's not like they're making any money off including something based on what I think we can ultimately call mainly a hoax of a sort. Maybe that's not the best word, but is was something very fake, though addiction is very real and bad, just so bad--I know an addict very well bc I know him since we were kids--but he'd never even think of doing such a thing. It's a sickness and a disease, but stirring up a whole lot of mess as Marina did is another story altogether, and alcoholism and drug addiction may or may not have played a part here. A bad business all around. And her family and friends protecting her from all the fallout instead of getting her help. Loyalty also means getting--or trying to get--a loved one whatever help they need. Sure, it'll be refused, but it rather seemed to cause a near national incident. Probably her family has tried to get her help, and any number of times. And maybe someday she will get help, and it might stick. But imo, this was a tasteless and poor addition to the game.
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    kiko.park wrote: »
    No clue.. I just think they 'liked' the buzz it created and thought it was a good idea to use it as a storyline?
    I guess it could happen but I don't think it happens often haha
    I really hope they don't do things like this in the future. It's just so insensitive and it kind of feels like they are mocking people. There's so many storylines they can create based on Kylie and Kendall's experiences so this was just unnecessary. Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this!

    I think "insensitive" is a perfect word here, as well as "mocking," definitely. Especially in light of all the info astray provided. Poorly thought out and just a wholesale bad judgment call. Absolutely there's just so much about K and K to put in storylines--I also find "unnecessary" a very defining word for that little tale of...what? I can't even think of anymore words for this misstep of a "story."
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    astrayastray Registered Users 1,538 Posts
    isabeau wrote: »
    Oh see, I never heard the whole story and had stopped watching the vids (thank you for the big-picture explanation, astray). I remember the beginnings and the public becoming very alarmed about what was going on--yeah, that she'd been kidnapped, was being beaten; she wasn't acting like her regular self, someone was telling her what to do in the vids instead of her own direction and whimsy; how she didn't look or act "right" anymore; pointing out this and that going on in the background; real or imagined things going on in the room we could see in the house behind the garden. And that, as well as what you've, said only makes me even more sure that it didn't belong in the game. Since it's not any of the Law and Order spin-offs (yeah, some sarcasm here, how can I help but...?), where stories are written based on real-life crimes, tragedies, et. al., I can't think of any single reason it should've been bled into a game app about K and K. It's not like they're making any money off including something based on what I think we can ultimately call mainly a hoax of a sort. Maybe that's not the best word, but is was something very fake, though addiction is very real and bad, just so bad--I know an addict very well bc I know him since we were kids--but he'd never even think of doing such a thing. It's a sickness and a disease, but stirring up a whole lot of mess as Marina did is another story altogether, and alcoholism and drug addiction may or may not have played a part here. A bad business all around. And her family and friends protecting her from all the fallout instead of getting her help. Loyalty also means getting--or trying to get--a loved one whatever help they need. Sure, it'll be refused, but it rather seemed to cause a near national incident. Probably her family has tried to get her help, and any number of times. And maybe someday she will get help, and it might stick. But imo, this was a tasteless and poor addition to the game.

    Well you're being honest isabeau cause that's what it was a hoax
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