
Searching for an Active Krew

Acthy95Acthy95 Registered Users 18 Posts
Hello, i've been looking for an active Krew for ages in the game, but with no luck, so i decided to try here. My name (in the game) is Megan, i'm level 21 and i currently have 6 houses. I'm looking for a krew that is active, sends kred & parties hard (and wins) in krew goals. I'm obviously not looking to join krews that have inactive members or that have lower levels & can't even buy houses or travel to some locations. Please hit me up if you have a free place in your krew. I am active daily & send kred every time i come online & definitely work hard during krew goals.


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    VannaladyVannalady Users Awaiting Email Confirmation 11 Posts
    My krew has a few spots open if you're interested. It's called KingKo. My only rules are to be active and send kred💕
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    gellianndgelliannd Registered Users 16 Posts
    Hi! I'd like to join your krew. I already sent a request to join. 😊 My doll's name is Anj.
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