
Support has flagged me!

LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
I lost access to my game boxes...and was kicked from my krew on Saturday 21st. Support finally got back with me today....After multiple messages....and they say I'm playing on multiple devices and I've violated terms. I got a new device about 2 weeks ago....but I deleted my game on the old one when the new one came....and reinstalled and on new one. How can I get it fixed....they are wrong!


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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    Hey! It's heather from your krew! Finally we can talk! Cambrie told me you wrote here! Thank goodness!
    I'm so sorry this is happening!
    GLU we need her back! Please fix this !

    Are u able to play your game ? Are you still getting kicked out every time?
    Talk with you soon! 😊😊
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    LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
    Hey Heather! SO glad to get to talk to you. I can accept your invites....but the game kicks me with 30 seconds....I'm so upset! And so far....The answer has been....start a new game and don't violate tos. I've spent a fortune on this game....I'm on level 22...31 million followers....10 houses....I had the BEST krew EVER....I just want my account unflag get and keep playing. I shouldn't have to start over when I did nothing wrong. I can still play...but can't be in a krew....receive gifts...or participate in events. The game just isn't fun this way! I miss you guys, Heather! Maybe they will fix this soon....
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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    That is Bs lori I can't believe it!
    So the only option they are giving u is to constantly keep writing them? I'm so sorry! This is terrifying all because u got a new phone?!
    Don't give up. We will hold ur spot until they fix it! We miss u so much & talk about you daily!
    Just in shock they could do that.... 😪😥
    Ever since the updates my game has no missions & my followers list is stuck on
    Over half the players. The #of followers do not go up on half the krew.

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    LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
    Ikr! I'm so irritated! I'm becoming disheartened too though. They also owe me $55 in gems that I got charged for...but didn't receive. They said give them some time....but I mean...how much? I also lost 2900 gems and 42k when I got kicked. They say they won't replace that because it's my fault. Wow. I just miss you guys....that's my main thing...The game isn't the same. I guess I could start over....but omg! Idk what to do....
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    LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
    Please ask our krew to post on this thread....let them know I am a worthy player! Thank you Heather!
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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    ]oh myyy! I can't even image LORI. If u do restart let me know! We will find u and add u to the krew! I kicked someone else so now we are 18/20 but your spot 19 will continue to stay open.
    I won't fill it. I will go talk with the krew & ask them to register here do they can post also!
    we keep seeing ur pic pop up in chat then dissapears.. Such a TEASE LOL please don't give up & neither will I.
    If u make a snap chat let me know! That's a way we can talk too. 💙💙💛💕

    we understand mistakes happen! Just please help in this fix? We need all the help we can get! PLEEEASEE!
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    Ladouce FemmeLadouce Femme Registered Users 549 Posts
    This is so tragic to hear, LoriL! I really hope they get this situated as soon as possible! Have you tried PMing KalindaKing and explain to her your situation?
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    LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
    I have pm'd her....but have heard nothing.
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    LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
    I restarted my game. Deleted my old data...and I am still not able to join a krew or receive gifts. Still no answer....so....ridiculousness!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I'm really sorry this happened. I know Kalinda responds to each pm, but I imagine there is quite a backlog. By supplying receipts fir your purchases, you should be able to get them restored. Please wait for her response. I'm really sorry this happened, but Glu is unable to restore your game once you've deleted it, but they can look at whatever is stopping you from krew stuff.

    I know she appreciates your patience.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    I'm so sorry! With you out we are looking for3 new ppl! We are at 17/20. A couple ppl stopped playing? We ARE STILL holding ur spot Lori. THIS SUCKS.
    We miss you so much!
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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    Heyź are u still playing at all. Cambrie said u need to contact apple or Google play store depending on what phone u use. They double charged her & have it back within 4 business days. If u have proof of purchase y need to write them& show them. U can get a full refund?
    Did u disspear?
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    LoriLLoriL Registered Users 19 Posts
    I'm still here....I got a message from Sofi/support today saying she had made adjustments to my account that should fix my issues....but NOTHING has changed yet. They closed the ticket....so now I'll have to open a new one. Not sure how long it will take...it has taken almost 2 weeks now! I miss you guys. I'll be back...just not sure when.... and with a lot less than I had....
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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    Hey Lori, just wanting to check in with you! Are you able to play in this event today?
    Has anyone else contacted you after the message above?
    we're still saving your spot!
    Missin ya!
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    RiverHippieRiverHippie Registered Users 96 Posts
    LoriL wrote: »
    I'm still here....I got a message from Sofi/support today saying she had made adjustments to my account that should fix my issues....but NOTHING has changed yet. They closed the ticket....so now I'll have to open a new one. Not sure how long it will take...it has taken almost 2 weeks now! I miss you guys. I'll be back...just not sure when.... and with a lot less than I had....

    I can see u in the chat! Are u really back m! We all hope so!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I'm closing this thread, it seems to have been resolved with Lori's return to her crew. Astray I'm moving your message to the other hacked thread, I know you posted there too, so it may appear like a double posting. Sorry for the inconvenience. Multiple open threads on the same issue muddy the waters when looking for a solution. :)
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
This discussion has been closed.

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