
This K jems event is ****!

AmandaawesomeAmandaawesome Registered Users 7 Posts
Here's an idea let's "celebrate" one year of having the app running by having everyone who plays spend tons of cash.

I understand this is a Kardashian game and they are all money *****s but maybe the developers of the game could "celebrate" by not bleeding us dry. And maybe allow us to celebrate with them instead of just taking in all our cash.


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    SistinaSistina Registered Users 8 Posts
    The game have to many way to get K-Gems (up your FAME ONLY with a half-hour dates); taking from vídeos (2 for video during the event) and complete shifts or some gigs. "girl don't try it you make it then you buy it" Good luck! ;)
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    astrayastray Registered Users 1,538 Posts
    Um okay Sistina...

    Anyway I get your frustration Amandaawesome however I always skip Superstar events since I have responsibilities to handle I can't just throw money away on a game like most people can although it would be nice if I could lol.
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    AmandaawesomeAmandaawesome Registered Users 7 Posts
    I'm already in the number one spot. I've played the game long enough to know the ends and outs.
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    AmandaawesomeAmandaawesome Registered Users 7 Posts
    It just really annoys me. The only reason I still play the game is for the party and date events. I'm maxed out on the "jobs" to do so for me to sit around and wait then they say "come celebrate one year with us" and it's another k gen event is bull.
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