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  • August 12th and it's still not fixed, just checked. I definitely served all customers with time to spare and they were all perfectly happy.
  • It's a bug, they said they're working on it. To turn an episode gold you're supposed to serve all customers, but it's bugged right now and NEVER says "Served all customers! Yay!" like it used to before the update.
  • You must not understand the question, because we're talking about the OUTFITS that supposedly attract VIPs, not using the VIP food to attract them...
  • When I first updated it showed the same thing for me, but an hour or so later it fixed itself. I'm sure it'll be fine, just wait a little while.
  • Hope they fix it soon for you and all the others experiencing it! BTW, I'm not a guy... I added a profile pic so nobody else calls me a dude. :)
    in Bug Comment by Pashta August 2016
  • Not everybody has a facebook account. I don't, and I refuse to. I did login with my Google account, though, so shouldn't it save that way? (Just asking for future reference if I need to reinstall).
  • Did you try restarting your phone? Also, try to uninstall/reinstall? Make sure you won't lose your progress if you do that first, though. I don't remember reading anything about it saving it.
    in Bug Comment by Pashta August 2016
  • I got a reply from in-game customer support and they said that they are aware of it and working on the issue. I still wish they'd respond here, as well.
  • Found a huge gold octopus in the pacific ocean that gave me 2 gold yesterday!
  • They DO need to make money, you know... I paid for some gold to disable the ads, but still have to watch ads to advance in the game. I hate freemium...
  • Thanks so much for the description, Brian. I thought the description given in the game was very vague, as jeebus did, and was also left scratching my head. NOW I get it, thanks again! :)
  • They need to make the verification box explain that you will LOSE the item if you cancel the sale because the same thing happened to me.
  • The description plainly says that it attracts those VIPs, so why would it not? They need to fix the description if it doesn't work as it says it should. I'm glad I saw this post.
  • Yes, if you get someone that is too hard or you don't want to duel, just press the back button on your phone or tablet. You lose the duel token, but you don't have to duel them. The best tip I can give you is USE VIPs. HUGE difference.
  • Same here. It's not seeing that I served all customers, even though I am absolutely sure I did. I tried it by completing the levels with Gordon and also by completing them myself, neither way worked. It's a bug and I reported it to customer care but nobody has responded yet. The reason I came here is because I wanted to…

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