

camelliaelisecamelliaelise Registered Users 35 Posts
I'm really tempted to divorce my D-lister husband to date someone higher in rank... I know it's cold, but hey, it's a game! Haha. Does getting a divorce cost you anything, like K stars or fans? Also, what's the best way to do it? Like if I do it a certain way, will I not lose anything?
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    DaphyDaphy Registered Users 133 Posts
    There's only one way to break up with someone. And that's when you invite them on a date and instead of starting the day, you click on 'break up'

    You lose fans. It's not a huge deal
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    LeyshlaGiselLeyshlaGisel Registered Users 1,328 Posts
    Sometimes you lose a lot, not so much, or none at all.
    :cool: :cool:
    "Norman Reedus once called me Sweetheart." :o
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    camelliaelisecamelliaelise Registered Users 35 Posts
    All right, thank you! :)
    Add me! GC: cammyelise
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Daphy wrote: »
    There's only one way to break up with someone. And that's when you invite them on a date and instead of starting the day, you click on 'break up'

    You lose fans. It's not a huge deal

    Another way is to accept their date request, and just never show up. when the ticker expires, they are maaaaaaad! They break up, and you can try to charm your way out of it with Stars, (doesn't always work) or just say OK.
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    MommyTo3MunchkinsMommyTo3Munchkins Registered Users 341 Posts
    Does anyone know if it matters (in regards to fan loss) whether you dump them or they dump you?

    GC: MommyTo3Munchkins

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Aside from the Comeback, and maybe the name change, any loss of fans is temporary. A bad tweet and you lose 71K fans. A minute later a good tweet (usually out of the blue) gains you 72K fans. So, unless you're really all about the number of fans, these are but minor fluctuations in your fan base. (I've noticed after a bad tweet and loss of fans, if I change my clothes or my hair, very often the fans come back after a "Only Z could pull off this new Do. Everyone wants one!" Something like that.
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    RubyDRubyD Registered Users 189 Posts
    Thanks for this question. I want to divorce my current spouse, but the Top Couples thing! Also, I feel like a louse for wanting out of the relationship when she's stuck by me for lo these many weeks, lol. Plus, I've invested time and money (oy, that wedding!) into the marriage. I'd like to find someone as ruthless as I am, someone who will break rules and heads if that's what it takes to be #1.

    I might just try the coward's way out and simply not show up for a date. She's still young and beautifl; she'll find someone who loves her more than she loves him/her. . .:cool:
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    WishWish Registered Users 577 Posts
    Another way is to accept their date request, and just never show up. when the ticker expires, they are maaaaaaad! They break up, and you can try to charm your way out of it with Stars, (doesn't always work) or just say OK.

    OMG koko.... the madddddd pink face on hubby #3 prior to today's divorce... yikes! :/
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Oh Wish, so sorry. Unless you have victim - I mean hubby number 4 in your sights already. Better not be one of mine. I have my own version of a Bucket List. A list of the AListers I'm going to date when my Spouse kicks the Bucket. lol. Actually, I think that happened today. They don't seem to be in the game anymore. I'll let you know if a ghost calls me for a date.

    So, you said yes to the date, timer ran out, and did I tell you they were maaaaaaaaaad? Remember any of the insults?
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    EselleteaEselletea Registered Users 700 Posts
    I divorced my A list NPC husband this weekend, we were #47 on the top couples list so I lost nearly 2M fans :/

    I remarried the next day though (LOL!!!) didn't gain the fans back from that, but throwing a party and completing a few gigs did the trick.
    Currently playing 2 iOS games, PM to add!
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    RubyDRubyD Registered Users 189 Posts
    Eselletea wrote: »
    I divorced my A list NPC husband this weekend, we were #47 on the top couples list so I lost nearly 2M fans :/

    I remarried the next day though (LOL!!!) didn't gain the fans back from that, but throwing a party and completing a few gigs did the trick.
    Did that snarky #1 couple gloat when you broke up with your husband?

    Wish, I'm with Koko on wanting to know what the pink-faced, furious spurned Ex had to say to you! This is better than Daytime drama, lol.
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    EselleteaEselletea Registered Users 700 Posts
    RubyD wrote: »
    Did that snarky #1 couple gloat when you broke up with your husband?

    Wish, I'm with Koko on wanting to know what the pink-faced, furious spurned Ex had to say to you! This is better than Daytime drama, lol.

    Surprisingly no! My only guess to why is I remarried soooo quickly lol.

    I remember the mad pink face lol..."remember me? Yeah I'm the one you stopped calling!!!" Or something like that. Ummm I see you everyday, dude! :p
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    I have a question, if I divorce my husband can I marry him again later?
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    moonyuushinmoonyuushin Registered Users 936 Posts
    SabinaC wrote: »
    I have a question, if I divorce my husband can I marry him again later?

    Surething u can, but u have to pay K-stars to make-up and cont ur prev relationship with him.
    The amount of K-stars requirement will depend on how deep was the prev love between u two. More love=more kstars.

    I dare to say almost everything here is possible as long as u have enough kstars lol
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    WishWish Registered Users 577 Posts
    RubyD wrote: »
    Wish, I'm with Koko on wanting to know what the pink-faced, furious spurned Ex had to say to you! This is better than Daytime drama, lol.

    Let's see.... Hmmmm....

    Insult #1: We need to start working on this relationship, and fast!

    Insult #2: I've had stuffed animals more loving than you've been lately!

    Insult #3: When was the last time we spent time together, had a nice dinner? Too long ago!

    Insult #4: Are we even married anymore? It doesn't feel like it!

    Insult #5: We need some US time. This is getting ridiculous!

    There were a plethora of insults.... I withstood his barrage of harsh words for too long darnit! Farewell angry man with the very scary pink faces.... be gone!!

    Single life rules! :)
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    RubyDRubyD Registered Users 189 Posts
    That's it! My spouse of seceral weeks and I are kaput. I had 95 minutes left to honour a date commitment and was on my way to Oak when a tweet went out from Ray that no one had seen us in a while. I still had time on the clock! So wife calls up to end it. What gives? I had time on the clock, lol.

    Footloose and fancy-free from now on. ƪ(Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡)ʃ

    Remarry an ex? Interesting concept, SabinaC. Why do you ask? Was your split-up an accident? I will finally be able to live up to my game moniker: PlayerDaniels :)
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    RubyDRubyD Registered Users 189 Posts
    Wish wrote: »
    Let's see.... Hmmmm....

    Insult #1: We need to start working on this relationship, and fast!

    Insult #2: I've had stuffed animals more loving than you've been lately!

    Insult #3: When was the last time we spent time together, had a nice dinner? Too long ago!

    Insult #4: Are we even married anymore? It doesn't feel like it!

    Insult #5: We need some US time. This is getting ridiculous!

    There were a plethora of insults.... I withstood his barrage of harsh words for too long darnit! Farewell angry man with the very scary pink faces.... be gone!!

    Single life rules! :)

    Apologies for double-post but hadn't seen this before posting the last. Wish, *you* rule! Out with the old, in with the new. Now I need to get some actual paying work done for a few hours. :(
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    Ok, just checking, because he's really cute, I didn't even have to redress him right after we started dating, soI don't want him to disappear after I divorce him :D
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    RubyD wrote: »
    That's it! My spouse of seceral weeks and I are kaput. I had 95 minutes left to honour a date commitment and was on my way to Oak when a tweet went out from Ray that no one had seen us in a while. I still had time on the clock! So wife calls up to end it. What gives? I had time on the clock, lol.

    Footloose and fancy-free from now on. ƪ(Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡)ʃ

    Remarry an ex? Interesting concept, SabinaC. Why do you ask? Was your split-up an accident? I will finally be able to live up to my game moniker: PlayerDaniels :)

    Nah we're happily married, so happily he's starting to annoy me. I should make a list of all the disgustingly adorable things he says to me. I just need a change and I have just the guy for it.

    This is my husband the love sick puppy:

    And the possibly next guy:
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    RubyDRubyD Registered Users 189 Posts
    Oho, Sabina, you like the bad boys, eh? Too funny. He needs to play harder to get, lol.
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    EselleteaEselletea Registered Users 700 Posts
    You can remarry your ex as long as you're not maxed out on relationship points with him!
    Currently playing 2 iOS games, PM to add!
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    Who doesn't. Zach looks like that guy you know you shouldn't fall for but you just can't help yourself.
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    Eselletea wrote: »
    You can remarry your ex as long as you're not maxed out on relationship points with him!

    really? why's that?
    Because we're maxed. Looks like he's going to stay my first, my last, my everything.
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    ClaireInGameClaireInGame Registered Users 258 Posts
    Can I have the other guy then? Ahem, afterall you did just say you're sticking with your husband.

    Wow, you're so lucky, all the NPC's in my game look nowheres near as hot as him. gah, somehow or another my game got hit with the ugly stick, lol. Erm... I'm only talking about the guys' of course
    Google + account name : Wolfee1029
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Wish wrote: »
    Let's see.... Hmmmm....

    Insult #1: We need to start working on this relationship, and fast!

    Insult #2: I've had stuffed animals more loving than you've been lately!

    Insult #3: When was the last time we spent time together, had a nice dinner? Too long ago!

    Insult #4: Are we even married anymore? It doesn't feel like it!

    Insult #5: We need some US time. This is getting ridiculous!

    There were a plethora of insults.... I withstood his barrage of harsh words for too long darnit! Farewell angry man with the very scary pink faces.... be gone!!

    Single life rules! :)

    Oh no. Where were you last week when Z was single and loving it? Ok maybe 2 weeks ago. The Valentines day thing started, the game picked a npc for me to date,but up until then I'd been happily divorced. Ahh Single. You miss the company on the plane but you don't miss the expenditure of cash, time and energy of dating.
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    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    WishWish Registered Users 577 Posts
    Ahh Single. You miss the company on the plane but you don't miss the expenditure of cash, time and energy of dating.

    I'm going to enjoy the single life for a bit! I'm saving up for the home in Florence right now, almost there (dog number 7!) sick of wasting energy on dates!

    I pulled the trigger & used my gift cards tonight koko!!!! :)

    No more ads...... *sigh* ...... tis wonderful.

    I have enough stars now to buy 3 more pets (the ones I'm missing) & also some new hairstyles... it's pretty awesome actually. Now to work my butt off to earn the cash to buy the homes in Florence, Australia & Dubai!
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    Can I have the other guy then? Ahem, afterall you did just say you're sticking with your husband.

    Wow, you're so lucky, all the NPC's in my game look nowheres near as hot as him. gah, somehow or another my game got hit with the ugly stick, lol. Erm... I'm only talking about the guys' of course

    No way, I'm making Zach my official lover so Ray can have a field day reporting me.
    And don't worry these are the only 2 guys I found that look normal usually it just a defilé of bums and pink haired guys.
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    Breen819Breen819 Registered Users 466 Posts
    Wish wrote: »
    I'm going to enjoy the single life for a bit! I'm saving up for the home in Florence right now, almost there (dog number 7!) sick of wasting energy on dates!

    I pulled the trigger & used my gift cards tonight koko!!!! :)

    No more ads...... *sigh* ...... tis wonderful.

    I have enough stars now to buy 3 more pets (the ones I'm missing) & also some new hairstyles... it's pretty awesome actually. Now to work my butt off to earn the cash to buy the homes in Florence, Australia & Dubai!

    Is that how you got that beautiful hair? I want it sooo bad but I can't just spend 100 Stars on it!!! Waiting for a sale. I'm dying for a Black Friday sale sooooooo bad. Would kill for that! I have 20$ on Google Play I haven't spent yet. Waiting for a sale!
    ADD me on Google + to your circles!!! ♡ abrina schaaf ♡

    Just don't steal my spotlight... my wrath is worse than Willow Pape...
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    WishWish Registered Users 577 Posts
    Breen819 wrote: »
    Is that how you got that beautiful hair? I want it sooo bad but I can't just spend 100 Stars on it!!! Waiting for a sale. I'm dying for a Black Friday sale sooooooo bad. Would kill for that! I have 20$ on Google Play I haven't spent yet. Waiting for a sale!

    Yup! :)

    I've wanted the hair for sooooooo long!!!

    Figured I'd use my gift cards... I was trying to wait it out too... but I'm impatient as heII!!!

    Thanks for those referrals btw... every dollar going towards my new digs in Florence.
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    SabinaCSabinaC Registered Users 200 Posts
    I just got the loose bun in the giftbox jeeeej. But what I really want is that shoulder length hair you get in black ribboned boxes. But don't come so often.
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