

Gigiree93Gigiree93 Registered Users 1 Posts
Are we supposed to continue buying homes? If so then why? And we should be able to recharge energy faster at home.


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    You don't have to buy any home you don't want. Homes add to your 'worth' you get stars and hearts for furnishings, and you need a home for any pets. Look at the Pets thread, and you'll see you can buy homes, and buy pets for most of them. THe pets give you a little payout of energy, and experience, maybe a dollar or two. The pets recharge every 4 hours. Hope this help.

    You need homes for parties. And if you don't pay your one time rent Downtown, the super will badger you for rent money each time you're there. But you don't HAVE to buy anything. You can always add your suggestion about recharging faster at home on the suggestion thread.

    Nice to meet you Gigi

    Edited: Can I ask why the thumbs down icon for this thread? You have the opportunity to buy homes, some expensive, some reasonable, so how is this a bad thing?
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