
Random Jobs??

1rkhachatryan1rkhachatryan Registered Users 133 Posts
Hi guys, so I finally got caught up with my job list and I've noticed something strange. It some of the locations in my game, I see the blue job circle but there is no job for that location on my job list. Does anybody know what these are?? I feel like they might be the leftover jobs from the weekend events I never did but I'm not sure.
Hey guys, you can call me Robert. I know how weird my username looks lol.


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    TwiztidroseTwiztidrose Registered Users 423 Posts
    Maybe some of the random ones that Simon has given you? I've noticed recently that they don't always stay in your job lists. Which is annoying, because then you have to hunt them down. There's been times that I Simon had just given me a random job, but I didn't read it, and stupidly tapped out of it. But the dang thing didn't update on my list, and I KNEW he did, so I had to go globetrotting to find the darn thing he JUST gave me LOL!
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    1rkhachatryan1rkhachatryan Registered Users 133 Posts
    Maybe some of the random ones that Simon has given you? I've noticed recently that they don't always stay in your job lists. Which is annoying, because then you have to hunt them down. There's been times that I Simon had just given me a random job, but I didn't read it, and stupidly tapped out of it. But the dang thing didn't update on my list, and I KNEW he did, so I had to go globetrotting to find the darn thing he JUST gave me LOL!

    I know there were the random ones at the start of the game which never really affected the story and were just given to get you off the D list. But Simon hasn't been giving those to me for awhile now...
    Hey guys, you can call me Robert. I know how weird my username looks lol.
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