
pictures in the forum?

evilhagevilhag Registered Users 923 Posts
I see a lot of replies on these forums where people post screenshots of their game as reference and to show gift boxes and what not. I was wondering how do they do this? Is there a simple way or is it complicated?
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Hi Evilhag, (and I say that in the nicest way lol) You need to load your images to a hosting site, like photobucket.com (you must register and sign up) postimage.org, and a few others. There are specific instructions around General Discussion somewhere. Give me a minute and I'll find it.

    But once you have your pictures in Photobucket (for example) you copy the Direct Link, and then you come here and in your post you hover your cursor over the invisible boxes to the right of the Size and 2 drop down arrows Move to the right until you see Insert image. Immediately to the right of the 3rd arrow drop down is Smiley, then Link, Unlink, and Insert Image. Click that and a box pops up. In the box you paste the Direct Link you copied and hit ok. Boom. there's your picture.

    If you can't find the Insert Image, then you can type in directlinkhere Let me go look for that thread with pictures and instructions. brb

    And Welcome to the forum. :)
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
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    NaimonsterNaimonster Registered Users 5,127 Posts
    Extra info :) Here's one post I found really detailed, plus it's my fav recommended imgur.

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Ahh, I was looking for that one. Thanks Nai. :)
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    evilhagevilhag Registered Users 923 Posts
    Thanks guys! I'm loving these forums, so helpful. :D
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Aww, the forums love you too evilhag. :)
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    hoodstar9hoodstar9 Registered Users, Banned Users 424 Posts
    I'm confused as to why threads like this keep appearing I mean seriously all you have to do is Google search how to post images on a forum and then there is this thread here. It is not that difficult.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Because when people are new, we try to extend ourselves and be a little extra helpful. I'm sorry if it bothers you. :)

    And if everything was stickied, nothing would stand out.
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    hoodstar9hoodstar9 Registered Users, Banned Users 424 Posts
    Then change the title and stick it? But fine have it your way.
    Because when people are new, we try to extend ourselves and be a little extra helpful. I'm sorry if it bothers you. :)

    And if everything was stickied, nothing would stand out.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Thanks for your suggestion Hoodstar, but as I said, if everything gets stickied, nothing stands out, which defeats the purpose of sticking it. And if members don't mind repeating themselves for newer members at the beginning, then it hurts no one. It's nice to answer someone's question, and then point out how they could find more info.

    Look at it as if you're helping a thirsty person, You hand them a glass of water, and point them in the direction of the WaterCooler for next time. If you don't want to give them a drink, just ignore it. Someone else will. But to post the equivalent of "Go get your own water, it's around" isn't very welcoming, so that's not in my nature. :)

    And there's nothing wrong with the title. It identifies the subject - pictures in the forum. A lot better than the "Help me?" titles I see a lot of.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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