
Need help deciding!

Laralu529Laralu529 Registered Users 166 Posts
Hello! I have Lux goal asking me to buy the dog in Milan's appartment. It costs 50kstars but the goal rewards me with 11, so I'd only be spending 39. Should I do it? 40mins to decide
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    Laralu529Laralu529 Registered Users 166 Posts
    Nevermind everyone, the time ran out...
    Feel free to delete this thread!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Ahh, I'm sorry Laralu. A sale is a sale. And when the Luxe Goals pop up, you just have ask yourself if you really want it or not.

    If I'd seen it in time, I would have said you NEVER get sales on pets, so I would have gone for it. And not just because that's one of the cutest dogs there are.

    I noticed this morning, The payout included energy. It looks like the deals are getting better. But no one can tell you to buy one or not. People have said this weekend is a VIP weekend...so, if you get the dog then it would be 50 Stars towards a prize, but had you taken the deal, it would have cost only 39. So, in the end, I can say yeah, buy it, but you have to decide what's best for your game. But, if any others pop up and you want advice.....if you love it, if you can afford it, if you want to put it on and wear (pet it, live in it or look at it on the wall it all day and feel good.....my vote is always yes, buy it. If you can't say yes to all 3.....then walk away. I'm really sorry I wasn't on yet when this was active. :( So....you didn't get the dog? If you buy it during the VIP, it will cost 50 BUT...I believe that's enough to open the 1st giftbox in the VIP events. Just sayin...... oh, and that doggie is one of my favorites. I love the way he kind of jumps up when you pet him and he gives out energy. That was the first screen I fully decorated. The patio (terrazo?) has such a cute table for 2, and the running fountain I love that home. I love that little doggie. So, I hope you get him this weekend, if you passed on him before. ;)
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    CilanCilan Registered Users 298 Posts
    Well I fully furnished every room with a pet it seems, so I can't really take advantage of these deals. There were just a few home items left in Punta Mita and Tribeca so I jumped on the chance to get it at a discount. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the you-know-what if these Luxe Goals happen to get achievements or something later and are NOT retroactive...

    But my thinking is that clothing... I would wait because there are always things like Black Friday sales on them. The house furnishing and pets I would get it because there is never a sale on them, so any stars you get back would be worth it if you want to funish a house.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    My doll was wearing silver jewelry when a cute silver bracelet popped up. It would look great with the outfit, so yeah, very convenient. But you can't play the game with regrets. I'm going to spend a little more on some things but it will go toward the VIP. And things that are just absolute splurges will wait for Black Friday when I try to buy out the store. lol.
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    Ok see, I don't get such "sales." I just get a demand to "Buy the home in Dubai." The suite is $70,000 kash or 140 stars. In return, I would receive 300 xp, 5 energy, and a single--that's one, count it ONE!--glorious star. My, my my, how cannnnn I resist such a bargain as that?? I like the suite. And I will buy it. When I *want* to buy it. There's no incentive here for me; it's meager and stingy. Maybe everyone's game is different, I don't know. What I do know is that everyone around me is happy to see me not glued to my phone for a change. I'm glad lots of people are indeed getting good deals for things they might want. As for me, welp, whatever.
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    Laralu529Laralu529 Registered Users 166 Posts
    Hello! I was out all day, just got back home!

    I had just woken up when I got that luxe goal and that didn't help me to make a decision, I guess I should've bought it. What made me doubt was the fact that this weekend is a VIP one plus earning Kstars is somewhat difficult for me since for some reason I don't get the offers, and I can't afford to buy them. Anyway, having to consider all those factors at 7 am was to much for me, LOL..

    I've had repeated Luxe goals so I hope I get the chance to buy that dog again.

    What I've noticed is that when the item they ask you to buy is available for cash you only get 1 Kstar as a reward. On the other hand, If it's only available for Kstars then you get more, like some sort of percentage (haven't figured out the exact amount yet). So the more Kstars they ask you to spend the more Kstars they give as a reward.
    Call me Lu :)
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