
Re connecting to Facebook

judithkkhjudithkkh Registered Users 1,699 Posts
Hello, everyone!

So a couple of hours ago I thought that it would be a good idea to make a new Facebook account just for my Kkh friends. I did it and I connected it the right way, everything worked just fine until that step! I started adding friends and out of the blue Facebook logged me out saying that they needed to verify my account. I sent a picture but I sent the wrong one, not one of my face so now that account is disabled for security reasons.

Now, I got a little anxious so what I did what to sign into my own personal Facebook account once again (like I had it before) and it worked! I gave the right permissions to the app and I was logged in after a couple of seconds! I did several tests to see if my account was working with my game, I asked a friend to change her outfit to see if I could see her updated outfit and I did. I asked her to see if my doll changed her outfit after I did on her friend's list and it did worked, too! A friend of mine gave me a gift and I received it and I sent her one and she received it too. My question is... I did give permissions to the app to the other account before Facebook disabled it. Is that going to bring me any problems? What I'm thinking is, if I do get that account back I would just remove the permissions and disable it so I'll be using my personal Facebook once again (is this okay?), if I don't get the account back and they do disable it, will that mean that the game is automatically deleted from there?

As I said, my game now is working as normal, as if I never did any changes so I feel better knowing this, but I do want another opinion. What do you guys think?

I'm using iOS and started playing a couple of weeks ago, 3 o 4 weeks to be exact!
I'm connected to Game Center and Facebook (my own personal account again)

Thank you for any help! :)

Edit: I just added a new friend to my Facebook account and now I can see her in my friends list. Does this mean that I shouldn't be getting worried about this? As it's been said, the game is properly working due to all of these tests I've been making through the night so... Should I just calm down because it's working fine? Thank you!


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I did something similar with my 2 android accounts a short time ago, changed the FB accounts, but it didn't solve my prob so I switched right back too. I've been told to be careful switching around like that, it's possible to lose data, and it's just too chancy. Now, I don't know why your account is being examined, but since you have everything back and working with the old FB account, I'd keep it that way, and don't borrow trouble. (OK, my Aunt used to say that, meaning if it's ok, don't worry). Do you play Android or iOS?

    Anyway, I'm glad you found the forum, Welcome. We have a lot of discussion, tips and fun in General Discussion. There is always an event thread, and lots more. You've said you're new, so welcomel, and if you are looking for more friends to add, you can connect with other players from your platform in the Gifting and Friends section.


    And if you need more help with the FB issue, please post again. My technique is ...when it's working, back out quietly and don't tempt fate.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    judithkkhjudithkkh Registered Users 1,699 Posts
    I did something similar with my 2 android accounts a short time ago, changed the FB accounts, but it didn't solve my prob so I switched right back too. I've been told to be careful switching around like that, it's possible to lose data, and it's just too chancy. Now, I don't know why your account is being examined, but since you have everything back and working with the old FB account, I'd keep it that way, and don't borrow trouble. (OK, my Aunt used to say that, meaning if it's ok, don't worry). Do you play Android or iOS?

    Anyway, I'm glad you found the forum, Welcome. We have a lot of discussion, tips and fun in General Discussion. There is always an event thread, and lots more. You've said you're new, so welcomel, and if you are looking for more friends to add, you can connect with other players from your platform in the Gifting and Friends section.


    And if you need more help with the FB issue, please post again. My technique is ...when it's working, back out quietly and don't tempt fate.

    Hello! Thank you very much for your reply. I'm playing on an iOS platform btw!

    So you think I should just keep playing the way I was? I really regret even attempting to do it and as I said I really don't want to go through that experience again but what about the other account? If they don't disable it and let me go in, should I remove the permissions I gave from the app to that account and disable it or should I just forget about it?

    About what you said, did the game worked the same way after you reconnected your account? Did you experienced anything different?

    By the way, I have a little question about Valentine's boxes. I sent two to a friend and she did received them but I sent one more to another friend and she hasn't received it yet. Could it be because of what I did or should we just give it more time?

    Thank you very much for your help!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    after I reconnected to the original FB accounts, it was as if nothing had happened. In my case I did it to try and unfreeze my dolls appearances, but I was too afraid I'd lose everyone, and quickly went back. I do wonder what would have happened if I stayed with the new accounts, but when glu told me it was a bad idea, I switched back immediately. So, I can only tell you what glu told me, we can lose some game stability if we switch, and it's just not a good idea. You can always open a ticket with support and ask them about switching fb accounts, they would be more knowledgeable about this.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    judithkkhjudithkkh Registered Users 1,699 Posts
    after I reconnected to the original FB accounts, it was as if nothing had happened. In my case I did it to try and unfreeze my dolls appearances, but I was too afraid I'd lose everyone, and quickly went back. I do wonder what would have happened if I stayed with the new accounts, but when glu told me it was a bad idea, I switched back immediately. So, I can only tell you what glu told me, we can lose some game stability if we switch, and it's just not a good idea. You can always open a ticket with support and ask them about switching fb accounts, they would be more knowledgeable about this.

    This helped me a lot, thank you! As I said, it's working as if nothing had happened (and I'm not trying that again, I'm leaving my game connected to my personal account as I always did) so Imma stay like this! Haha, thank you so, so much! I was super worried about my game!

    Edit: So Facebook did disabled that other account... haha, well then! I'll be keeping mine just the way it was before! :o
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