
Fabulous Favorites Prize Showcase

LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
Happy Weekend, dear people! After a particularly frantic week, I love that there's a three-day weekend where I live!

I'm about to go add my sunglasses looks to Lucy's great fashion thread, but since we don't have an event to grind, the more party threads, the better, right?

Friend, are you like me? Do you ever spend too much in this game and then feel both pleased and ridiculous afterward? Are you looking for a place to show off your favorite splurge purchases and other treasures? Let's do that here!

Of course, first off I have to show off my awesome banner that Koko made me for these threads! Now I didn't spend for this, really, but it's one of my best treasures!

I have no idea why, but I was totally unable to resist the "perfectly-tailored streetwalker" outfit. Just love it! And it does complement the fantastic VIP outfit I scored for my guy several weeks back! Does that make him a similar, er, professional as well? Hmm... If only this thread didn't have to be family-friendly! The things I'd say! <sigh>

And how did I score the outfit? Well, I almost died of happiness when I saw this Kim's Pick outfit today! And I never bought the Sydney yacht, despite being a sailing fanatic, so I finally went for it! And after that, the koala beckoned with its eucalyptus-flavored kisses! Love this home.

This outfit counts as a treasure because I adore it, and also, it was pricey because I flipped out and used Kstars to finish the super-tough event it was an earner prize for! I'm so glad to finally get his hair, too! Maura is here to cheer me on at my first Vegas show-- who would've believed I could fill a venue just by creating erotic balloon animal shapes? Well, to each their own, right? A sold-out house, every night, too!

And here's yet another wacky purchase by me. Since I was insanely in love with this dress at Christmastime, I went gift box crazy. I didn't win it and didn't win it, and was in despair <yep! I need a life, big-time!>. But then I went back at the last minute and played again, and it really seems as though Glu removed the bummer prizes at the last minute for this event, because when I played one last palette of three boxes, I won this dress and the long, deep green Holiday dress, and a hairstyle I'd been dying for. A Christmas miracle! <sorry for the sacrilege, all>

And here's one final impractical but fun item: the Hamptons house. It's so, so adorable with that corgi and private beach. I haven't bought the power-boat, but I stare out at it sadly sometimes...now, if they make it something we can interact with somehow... Hint, hint, hint!

So, let's have fun and show off our favorite stuff, okay? Yay, weekend! Yay, ridiculous thing I seem to love spending money on!
Luz GC: LuzVarias
Stellan GC: lgordon19



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    Teehee1Teehee1 Registered Users 34 Posts
    Looking good Luz! Looooove the boots but I am not a fan of the suit dress. I stopped at the hair:

    Sasha's GC: Teehee1
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    You look gorgeous, Teehee! Nicely-coordinated look! The hairstyle is perfect on you.

    I love that outfit, too. I'm trying to think why, but your dress always make me think of a train-conductor. A sexy train conductor! Now I'm off to see if they actually have uniforms that look like that, or if I'm just going even more crazy than I previously was! Brb.

    Oh, yes, I was actually right about this one. I can barely tell you guys apart! Well, I mean, there are a few distinguishing features, I guess! You have nail polish on. But you guys both have shiny buttons and all.

    The women this guy must get! Guys in uniform and all. Oh wait, he's married. ****!
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    heh heh[video=youtube;DLnIf0Jj[/video]

    so do I luz. Don't we all?

    Excuse me that is was a warped version of a good oldies song. My college radio station had all the old 'new stuff'. So I've heard really good versions of this. you'll have to forgoe the

    Oh nvmd. Kickline Luz. I feel a kickline coming on. In honor of the tone of the woman's vip outfit. You doll is either an 'earner' or a 'manager' wink wink. Oh my. I'll Start a thread for it. What do you think?
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    Love the thread idea Luz! I quickly threw apart this outfit and I'll try to remember the details for each item. :D
    Party Hat: This one took me at least 4 tries before I finally got it! It was in the New Year's exclusive gift boxes.
    Glasses: I got these from a giftbox during the ALT event for free.
    Top: From the Valentines Day giftboxes. There aren't many red items in the wardrobe so I couldn't resist!
    Pants: From the Black Friday event. I spent all the K-Stars I had at the time to get them :eek:
    Shoes: From the Christmas exclusive giftboxes. I splurged and also got two exclusive Christmas hair's from the giftboxes as well :D
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    Teehee1Teehee1 Registered Users 34 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    You look gorgeous, Teehee! Nicely-coordinated look! The hairstyle is perfect on you.

    I love that outfit, too. I'm trying to think why, but your dress always make me think of a train-conductor. A sexy train conductor! Now I'm off to see if they actually have uniforms that look like that, or if I'm just going even more crazy than I previously was! Brb.

    Oh, yes, I was actually right about this one. I can barely tell you guys apart! Well, I mean, there are a few distinguishing features, I guess! You have nail polish on. But you guys both have shiny buttons and all.

    The women this guy must get! Guys in uniform and all. Oh wait, he's married. ****!

    Yea he's married... To me! And the dress was a gift from him, lol. How'd you come by his picture anyway? Are you the other woman when he's taking those long train rides...!?!?
    Sasha's GC: Teehee1
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Hi Trevor! You may be one of the most raucous partyers that Napa gets! That place seems kind of sedate.

    But you look great, and it's fun to hear where you got the different guy items! I kept angrily putting my guy game aside for long stretches since that device was so dodgey and difficult to use. So there are huge gaps in my knowledge of the guy prizes...

    I can't help feeling that the extreme holes in your pants suggest that something really interesting just happened. Are you maybe partying a little too hard? But I can see that you need to kick back right after your exams.

    But you look good, no matter what your shenanigans may be!
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Teehee1 wrote: »
    Yea he's married... To me! And the dress was a gift from him, lol. How'd you come by his picture anyway? Are you the other woman when he's taking those long train rides...!?!?

    Umm, well, um...

    Oh, look over there!! Apple P figured out how to run around the forum without pants!!
    <feet, don't fail me now!>
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    EselleteaEselletea Registered Users 700 Posts
    Hey everyone! You all look so fabulous :)

    So I've been stockpiling stars for a while...it's crazy bc seriously the last 2 times I've purchased a new house and pet in the game we have a VIP event right after! So this time I was determined to save for the pets til another came around. I had already previously bought the yacht and the Milan house with k cash so I got the adorable koala and French bulldog. And ever since AppleP rocked that purple lace dress I was obsessed and decided Shae had to have it as well. Then I thought she might need some new jewelry and hair to go with it!


    I haven't spent any stars on jesse's yet. He only has 90 and hmmm not sure if I want to spend a lot on that game. Might try to stockpile on his with the free k star thing.
    Currently playing 2 iOS games, PM to add!
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    heh heh[video=youtube;DLnIf0Jj[/video]

    so do I luz. Don't we all?

    Excuse me that is was a warped version of a good oldies song. My college radio station had all the old 'new stuff'. So I've heard really good versions of this. you'll have to forgoe the

    Oh nvmd. Kickline Luz. I feel a kickline coming on. In honor of the tone of the woman's vip outfit. You doll is either an 'earner' or a 'manager' wink wink. Oh my. I'll Start a thread for it. What do you think?

    Yes, start more party threads, you! I'm in for whatever it is you're talking about!
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Alright, well, I'd invited Koko Down Under <so to speak> to see my new yacht, but she looks like such a bada55 that I'm afraid she'll scare the koala! Did you know those little guys are basically high all the time from taking in so much eucalyptus? You don't want to suddenly shock someone in that state. <no, no, I know that's just myth. but they do act that way>


    That's some serious moderating, right there! This forum has been a very, very bad forum.
    Quite the outfit, indeed...
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Eselletea wrote: »
    Hey everyone! You all look so fabulous :)

    So I've been stockpiling stars for a while...it's crazy bc seriously the last 2 times I've purchased a new house and pet in the game we have a VIP event right after! So this time I was determined to save for the pets til another came around. I had already previously bought the yacht and the Milan house with k cash so I got the adorable koala and French bulldog. And ever since AppleP rocked that purple lace dress I was obsessed and decided Shae had to have it as well. Then I thought she might need some new jewelry and hair to go with it!


    I haven't spent any stars on jesse's yet. He only has 90 and hmmm not sure if I want to spend a lot on that game. Might try to stockpile on his with the free k star thing.

    Very nice panties, Eselle! And I love the new hair! You're exquisite in purple, hon.

    I hope Jesse earns a ton of Kstars this weekend. I'm just not loving the guys' stuff enough to spring for it either, myself. Then again, I have a blond guy. It might look great on someone else.

    Did any guys buy the VIP shirt?
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    DMV_DollDMV_Doll Registered Users 1,470 Posts
    This is the perfect no judgement zone thread... I feel comfortable sharing this with only u guys & gals

    I was obsessed with this look when it was only seen on the NPCs.

    So when it was available in white as a Kim pick I snatched it up without batting an eye.

    Welp the next day it was released in 3 other colors. I couldn't help myself and...well...I couldn't stop myself


    Sad to say, I don't wear these often. I didn't even bother changing into them now, I just used my old IG post. Lol
    I don't make the rules... I just follow them most of the time 😉

    Andriod player
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    AlkoholiksAlkoholiks Registered Users 545 Posts
    idk where this stuff came from but fear the beard!!!

    no i don't have any chill
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    That is a very appealing little lacy number, DMV! You look hottt in all the options! I like them too, but when I put them on in the different shades I get confused and can't choose. So I haven't bought one yet. Soon, very soon! I really love you in the pink hair-- and your "fashion show" edit in the other thread, with all those clones of your doll together, was stupendous!
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Hi Alkoholiks! I've had a tiring week, and I'm having random sleepy thoughts.

    1) I love how your hat coordinates with my outfit;
    2) I'm suddenly sick of my flimsy earbuds and need to find some classic headphones;
    3) You might actually be wearing low-rise ski boots;
    4) You look far better in facial hair than anyone should;
    5) Your pool will soon be a fantastic mess of spilled c0cktails;
    6) When the other guests leave, I'm kicking off my shoes and then you're spinning me around in that suspended chair until I hallucinate!

    Lovely party, dahling!

    Off to sleep, finally...
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    JullietteJulliette Registered Users 527 Posts
    This is, of course, my new acqusition :) and i looove it! I was waiting for this hair so much and the outfit it was such a great and unexpected surprize.
    I finnaly had the "nerve" to buy this lovely lace dress aaaaand i ♥ it! Ohh, and my doll feels actually confortable in it :) even if everybody can see her smexy undies lol
    I loved that Kendall outfit, i didn`t get the black transparent shirt, but i was happy only with the pants also. Favourite pants!
    I like so much the gladiator heels (can`t remember if i got them from a giftbox or weekend event) and i try to fit them in many outfits, also the bag, i was so happy to get it ( i actually spent a good amount of kstars for it).
    I missed so many great outfits, seeing that i start playing in late february, but the most, i regret not having thouse diamond heels from the Christmas event.
    :o iOS GC ID julliette24 ;)
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    PolkaDotPolkaDot Registered Users 1,226 Posts
    I had forgotten about those "Kendall pants" - now I remember the event. I didn't even come close to winning those and I really liked the outfit. Closest thing we've had to sweat pants and glamour is great but once in a while my doll wants to relax with trash Tv and some potato chips just like her human can. And it can be difficult to do that in mini skirt and heels.
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    xXLucyXxxXLucyXx Registered Users 1,077 Posts
    Yes I really like the Kendall gift box capris/ sweats whatever to call them, they're unique in the game nothing similar they're casual but with a fashion edge so they're versatile <3 Glasual! (ok no). I don't have them but it would be nice to see more different styles of clothing in the wardrobe. Everyone looks fabulous in this thread btw! :)
    GC: { Lucyxx }
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Alright, well, I'd invited Koko Down Under <so to speak> to see my new yacht, but she looks like such a bada55 that I'm afraid she'll scare the koala! Did you know those little guys are basically high all the time from taking in so much eucalyptus? You don't want to suddenly shock someone in that state. <no, no, I know that's just myth. but they do act that way>


    That's some serious moderating, right there! This forum has been a very, very bad forum.
    Quite the outfit, indeed...

    Hey, anybody ever tell you that you look like a young, thin, toned, shapely Oprah? I think it's the hair. Someone should show Oprah. She's got the means to make it happen.

    Anyway, I have a big feeling this dress Opr----Luz has on will pop up for sale this week in other colors. 2 piece lace dress buyable in white - then Bam.....Look more colors. Lacy Racy Undies dress available during an event in Green .....Monday 3 more colors pop up. In each case...one color was released in the event and then few days later the rest of the colors. So.....I'm thinking this dress will be out in a few more colors. And yes, I am hopeless when it comes to clothes.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    MarikitaMarikita Registered Users 95 Posts
    Thank you for this thread! I'm not alone!!!

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    You look lovely Marita. Aren't the black and gold shoes gorgeous?
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    MarikitaMarikita Registered Users 95 Posts
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Hey, anybody ever tell you that you look like a young, thin, toned, shapely Oprah? I think it's the hair. Someone should show Oprah. She's got the means to make it happen.

    Anyway, I have a big feeling this dress Opr----Luz has on will pop up for sale this week in other colors. 2 piece lace dress buyable in white - then Bam.....Look more colors. Lacy Racy Undies dress available during an event in Green .....Monday 3 more colors pop up. In each case...one color was released in the event and then few days later the rest of the colors. So.....I'm thinking this dress will be out in a few more colors. And yes, I am hopeless when it comes to clothes.

    I really hope they release more colors! I don't generally buy things more than once, but this outfit I probably would...

    Oprah! Actually, my older daughter keeps choosing this hair for Luz. My big girl likes to watch the musical West Side Story, and she thinks this hair makes Luz look like Maria <the Natalie Wood version, anyway>, whom she adores.

    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Great parade of fashion, Juliette! I know what you mean about that bag in the last picture-- I was so eager to have it, and for once the gift box cooperated! It's different from any of the other bags, and I would absolutely scoop it up for myself in real life!

    I had less luck scoring that great Kendall outfit! So glad you got it, at least. Those pants are a cool change of pace. Now, if something like that suddenly appeared in a holiday gift box, people would lose their minds! Since it wasn't an earner item, people would probably have no issue with that!

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous doll! She's so fetch.
    <still trying to help make fetch happen>
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Hi Marikita! Thanks for posting your weekend style!

    You're definitely not alone, that's for sure! The VIP events are funny because the prizes seem to be very expensive, but really, if people can prepare a bunch of kstar purchases they want to make anyway, then it's just a weekend of planned shopping with fancy prizes on top! I kinda like them. Now, my problem will soon be running out of purchases. But if the babies EVER arrive <!?!?!?!>, the problem might take care of itself!

    But anyways, I love how you styled the new stuff, Marikita!

    By the way, what platform are you? If GC, do you wanna be friends?
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Off topic note: I'm about to drive up to our family's rustic vacation house in the mountains of New Hampshire for the long weekend. We actually do in theory have some internet service but it's not always very fast! I hope to reappear later on today!

    But if I don't, have a wonderful weekend, people!
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    JullietteJulliette Registered Users 527 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Great parade of fashion, Juliette! I know what you mean about that bag in the last picture-- I was so eager to have it, and for once the gift box cooperated! It's different from any of the other bags, and I would absolutely scoop it up for myself in real life!

    I had less luck scoring that great Kendall outfit! So glad you got it, at least. Those pants are cool change of pace. Now, if something like that suddenly appeared in a holiday gift box, people would lose their minds! Since it wasn't an earner item, people would probably have no issue with that!

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous doll! She's so fetch.
    <still trying to help make fetch happen>
    :) Thank you Luz! And definitley i would love to wear a bag like that in real life. Happy that you got it too!
    :o iOS GC ID julliette24 ;)
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    CharliCharli Registered Users 1,670 Posts
    Fabulous, everyone! I wish I had something to share too. Guess I'm not fab :p
    The account says Charli, but my name's Bilal.

    I play KK:H on Android! You can add me on Facebook to be friends in-game.
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    VatsVats Registered Users 4,773 Posts
    I'm lazy to put together a look, cause today I'm doing a lot of tap tap tap in the game looking for k-stars, but I came here to comment the envy I feel about the themed graphic of this thread!
    Viva La Vida Á La Vats!
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    xXLucyXxxXLucyXx Registered Users 1,077 Posts
    Charli I didn't have anything fab either - when I spend lots of kstars its been on jets and cars and houses. I'm admiring everyone's looks though! And for the record you are def fabulous! Let's earn kstars we gotta keep up with Vats! *tapping*
    GC: { Lucyxx }
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