
Desperately need to transfer Android Game

AngelOfHAngelOfH Registered Users 5 Posts
I've been busy for a week now trying to transfer the game between my samsung galaxy s5 and my samsung galaxy s7. Ive installed en deleted the game countless times on my new phone sometimes it opens to the custom screen sometimes it loads my game from 6 months ago. Reading this forum I should be happy with the one from 6 montha ago but I am not since then I obtained many items from event bought a lot of clothes, houses and pets and spent money on the game. I really want my current game on my new phone unfortunately glu supports only answer was 'how to transfer the game'. I promised to give my old phone to a friend an have to clean my phone by friday. If anyone can help me please I am all ears


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Hi, l moved your -post to a new thread, thinking it will get more exposure here, I feel as you do, about needing the whole game. If anyone has any advice for Angel, please lets try and help her, From what I've heard, some work, some don't. But I assure you it's Google's fault. They radically changed things, now we can't see our friends as they currently are in appearance, rank etc, and now transferring is hit and miss.

    I'm confident that Glu is working on a patch for Google's mess, but in the meantime we're stuck. I hope some one can help. My only experience has been through the Glu steps. Good luck.

    I'm sorry to meet you like this, but welcome to the forum. :)
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    AngelOfHAngelOfH Registered Users 5 Posts
    Thankyou for welcoming me and for moving my question.
    Unfortunately its friday and have no answer yet. I tried playing the game from 6 months ago but thats a lvl 17 game without any nice clothes houses or vechicles.
    My current game is lvl 32 and I am A+, I just don't have the energy to start over again. I've been playing this game for a year and I have had alot of fun but I guess this is goodbye to the game
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I wouldn't give up, but I'm a stubborn bish. When I was on the app page, I saw a little paragraph that said something to the effect of 'now transfer your game at will' or something. Try to find that paragraph, screenshot it, and submit the screenshot with a ticket to customer care, saying "this says I can, but I've been going crazy for a week trying....." See, if you present them with their own words from the app page, maybe you'll get some extra help from Customer Care? It might do nothing, but maybe you can get a more reasonable response than their instructions that don't work. If you can't find that note on the app page, let me know and I'll look around for you.

    PS, and if it were me, I'd explain to my friend what is going on, and they'll have to be patient. Personally, I was resigned to keeping my old Android phone around just for the game if it wouldn't transfer in Feb. But it went flawlessly, when other people's games were not transferring. So, I really believe it's hit an miss, and wish I could help more. Look for that note on the app page. I saw it 2 days ago.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    AngelOfHAngelOfH Registered Users 5 Posts
    Where did I need to search for that?
    And after they send me the basic instructions I replied and havent had an answer yet (this was 4 days ago)

    And if I could keep my phone I would but my friends phone crashed and didnt have any insurance for it so she is buying mine (and I kinda can use the cash 😂😂)
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    AngelOfHAngelOfH Registered Users 5 Posts
    I found it and took a screenshot and send it to them I really do hope they'll answer but I have to say my mail wasn't very nice... but hey 4days waiting for a response its a bit long
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I woldn't have written in an angry tone. But that's me. TBH, 4 hours is not unheard of as far as response time. But you sent a screenshot, and hopefully you'll get an answer about why it's not working. I hope it gets resolved.

    I would suggest that next time you are asking customer service to go beyond the stock response, and try and help you out don't go in angry. It's human nature to be more responsive when approached politely. There's an expression 'you catch more flies with honey'.

    If however, you can't get beyond your game from 6 months ago, the ability to get those items back in Throwback Events is a good thing. Also, you can ask Customer Care to restore any StarShop or special purchases (like Kim's pics and anything you spent cash for). I'm sorry this happened, and hope you can eventually transfer the current game. :(
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    AngelOfHAngelOfH Registered Users 5 Posts
    No sending it with a angry tone wasnt smart but the first time I contacted them I didnt get a respons on the 4th day of wating I send another ticket telling my problem and that I contacted them 4 days ago after that ticket I got a response within the hour saying apologies for the delay I send a respond right after and then nothing again.. so you might understand my frustration.
    Oh well my friend is on her way to picking up the phone so for me this is goodbye to KKH. I had fun playing but I dont want to start over and the one from 6 months ago isn't very playable I tried it but within second I got 4 calls from simon about missing appearances and my husband wanted a divorce and I didnt have any K stars to charm him. So no the one from 6 months ago is just not an option.

    Have fun playing and thankyou for trying to help me.
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