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Charlotte Augustin

Charlotte Augustin · New Member


  • Is that a Google social network? I really don't want another one having my name in it. Sad... I guess I won't add friends...
  • Well, I don't really know how to open this account... I'm totally awkward...
  • The curly hair is weird, but everything else is just too perfect. I'm in love!
  • Althought I've waited for ages, the other things cover it all up because they're beyond amazing. Anyways, I wanted to ask you all something, have you noticed the new characters for the reality show, that they look just like the characters in Stardom: Hollywood? Do you think they're is an update waiting for Stardom:…
  • As I thought! I got the most ugly & less popular shoes in the first 2 of my boxes! That's why I don't like this throwback: I can't grind for the things I want & open how many boxes I want and desire, so I could get the stuff I want. The fact we are limited for only 4 items & not more makes me sad. I really waited for the…
  • Guys, here is the link to my facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011863570379 Feel free to add me, android & iOS.
  • Yassss! You see, I've waited for a throwback sale since I missed those items when I went to a vacation on Dublin, and I hated myself for missing it because it was my dream! Now, I can't understand why they didn't put if they read our posts!!! I'm excited & greatful for all of this stuff, but come one. A simple thing! But…
  • Just disappointment. you did an amazing job, thanks again for kindly taking care of my lack in info. I love you for that. Just sad i wont get the eyes and lips and I think its stupid because we all asked for them and a sale... but all i care about actually is the glamm stuff, so im a little bit sad
  • Again, im not happy. Look, im really happy that we got all this new stuff and im super excited, and i bet glu reads our posts sometimes, we all asked for sale, and im really happy for the people who are broke, so its easy for them, but im not happy for myself, but i can get that, and i dont really care... but why not…
  • Hey Cookie, I've seen that you know the weekend events well, and I'm really trying to find picture of some events from 2015, could you maybe help me with that, if you have any images? ill be so greatful!
  • Happy for you gal! I bet your doll slayyyyyyyys it
  • Koko, sup gal? I'm approaching you because you're the smartest gal I know in here. I saw there is a throwback and I was wondering, can we open only 4 box? Sadly, from the screenshots I see on Instagram, the hairstyles I wanted so much and some cool clothes are not in there, that sucks. I can't see anyone that got the Glamm…
  • I really want a throwback event for my birthday, but I guess I need to keep dreaming. I want to ask something. How do people know which kind of an event is going to happen before it was up in the game? & How do they know which items are going to be in the event before it was up? & Is that because of the game files? & If…
  • I am back for good. Need to make some changes.
  • Lovely to hear from you Koko, thanks for commenting and approving I'm all fine, posting this thread. Sad nobody comments, think you could tell one of your forum friends to make the comments rain & sharing his opinios about the lack of creativity in the game? So first, let's go straight to the subject. You're absolutely…
  • Hello guys, and happy fools day. I came here to find out what is going on? Are we really getting those ugly prizes? I expected Glu to hear us for one time, after all that time from the new year's event to now, that weekend events became more poor & ugly, & out desires for a throwback. I guess they stopped giving two ****s…
  • Hey koko! Long time! I actually felt like it. Just felt like I should delete it and comeback with my new doll name... So, anything you found out?
  • Hey hey hey, people. Wanted to ask something, does the nee update only has the stroyline about Cassio and Chiara, Willow and Rex Mooney and the charity event with Grace Washington? I completed all and got no calls after that. Since I completed all the storyline and a comeback before the update came out, I guess I'm out of…
  • It was out?!? Where?!? For how long?
  • It does! In 3 when I said comeback I meant throwback, my mistake. And what can I do about 1? And I saw on the Kylie and Kendall thread that the game is released, maybe they about their countries. Thanks for everything Vats! Last question, can I log off Google + in the game if I feel like it at any point and delete the…
  • I feel you. The imaginable things & the real life styles were just, boring & ugly sometimes. I miss the dresses we used to have, all the cool hairstyles from 2015. I find some of the last weekend events of 2015 weird as well. Anyways, I hope we're going to have some good time in the future.
  • Yeah, I'm not in the U.S and actually I haven't saw the connection, my mistake. :eek: But still, now that I do, I still think it wasn't that nice looking as it could be. I've been to the U.S, to Colorado, Texas, and cowboy-ish places, and the styles their for the lads & gentlemen were mind blowing and stylish and I could…
  • Charlotte Augustin is online now New Member Join Date Jan 2016 Posts 9 I most say I'm not really pleased with the past weeks weekend events, (and also the clothes that been added to the wardrobe, but that is a different subject) they're just so casual or weird. The weirdest events were the events with the cup hat & the…
  • I'll call you Koko, okay? You really helped me and your sweetness and the way you offer helped did not failed to amaze me! You're a rare person and I'll forever remember the time you gave me, and I hope to do the same for you. So yes, I am finished with all of the gigs as it sounds, so do you know when the next update is…
  • I did completed all storylines before starting a comeback, and I did side gigs for a few days before starting it to be sure I ended everything. I wasted alot of my real money so I managed to finish that in such a short time, but before I used real money I finished the game in not alot more time. I did finished all…
  • This is how it went: 1. I finished all storylines and reached max level. 2. Started a comeback. 3. Had this storyline about releasing an app. 4. Had only side gigs since then. So this a comeback? You only have side gigs in a comeback? Except the storyline about your doll releasing an app? That's my question. If it does…
  • First of all, thank you! Second, this is beyond helpful! So let me tell you exactly what happened. I started playing the game 3 weeks ago, and I decided that when I'll finish every storyline, from Cassio's party to Tale of Crowns, till I'll have nothing left except side gigs, I'll start my comeback, and so I did. I started…
  • Thank you! Happy to be here! My platform is android and I'm at the max level, I told myself that when I'll get to there, I'll start a comeback story. I am getting side gigs but that's about it, nothing more, no official gig from storylines, like Tale of Crowns. I'm playing with NPC only, I never added anyone into my game.…
  • To be honest, when it comes to the actual numbers, I did 20 parties and 15 dates, but it fell like 100 parties & dates. If you don't understand how, I'm buying energy with my Kardashian stars, and when I'm out of Kardashian stars, I'm buying a pack and then I'm buying energy, at the top of it, I'm buying things with real…
  • Anyone knows what is the worldwide release date? Or at list the release date in Israel? I've waited what seems to be forever for this game and it's still not out yet.

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