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5 Agrees



  • OK so use two devices. But don't play the new one with your old Game Center ID or it will wipe out the old Game Center save? Is that right? So start a new Game Center ID for a new Apple device then? (BTW this was to Holly and the others who posted tips/info.)
  • This happened to me so many times in my first months of the game. It still happens if the person is running 'an older version of the game' i.e. a hacked game but it will tell me 'cannot send gifts' after taking my money (and keeping it.) Other people are not running hacks, and didn't ever get my gifts. I recall Naims told…
  • I think you would start by making a new game center ID, and logging into that (in your phone/iPad/Game Center). (You just need a new email addy and new GC name.) Then open the (KKH) game. (The one you already have.) See what happens. Let us know. They should really follow industry standard and let us all have log ins for…
  • I totally forgot about Teddy. He's in the Hamptons, right? In Kourtney's house? Thanks!
  • Ooh! I didn't know that. Thank you. I can say a little bird told me. Lol Carol: I guess I had a Range Rover out then. Dunno.
  • I agree, Stardust1; I don't think anyone has, or had, bad intentions. "Stuff happens."
  • Echoing everything already said. So sorry Naims, and you have a great attitude, I hope it will pay off. I know from this type of job (looong time ago, but not much has changed in it) they not only discourage customer service representatives from sending out a hand written letter, they are actually sometimes penalized if…
  • Is there anything like that app for computer?
  • Almost forgot...Here is a funny little glitch. Or did this friend's-list person just want to do me a favor and block the obnoxious NPC Jimmy Jones, from sight?
  • Another seasonal tip: Make sure to park the Roadster if you have a car. The larger cars block one of the scenery tappables. Here you can see a Nutcracker doll. I did not even know this was there until I tapped there by mistake. Then I moved the SUV out of the way and saw the tappable hiding behind the cars. With the…
  • I like this NPC's style. She actually looks like she owns a mirror and didn't dress in the dark closet.
  • Met up with Koko in Paris. She was better dressed for the chilly winter day. When I got back to L.A., saw Naims at KKW's house. We didn't mind we were wearing the same skirt, we both styled it differently. Shopping with Andre Leon Talley in Santa Barbara and enjoying the beautiful views. He is always so dashing, had to…
  • Dot and Amy show off their red T shirt style.
  • Curious how Lila will look in my game also. Still don't have her in my game yet. Hmmm. I'm only Level 32 also which seems awfully far behind most of you! And I've been playing a while now...Not sure why I'm dragging Lol. (Oh, reason I mentioned level is because maybe that's why I take longer with getting some of the…
  • Ohmagersh. You all are getting some hot NPCs in your games. Mine is like the Nerd Parade recently...LOL. Amy: I agree, Carol's descriptions always crack me up. Thank you for the laughs Carol :) Madison's expression is pretty funny, too...What's with some of those NPC chat-up lines? Yikes. Imagine how demanding some of them…
  • They ARE awesome boots. Congrats, Koko!
  • I'm just coming in but I'm glad the smoke has cleared... I nearly made the suggestion myself that people take the Daily Gift Box posts to their own thread, but I didn't because I didn't want to get into the mix. I figure you are at the wheel so let you be at the wheel. Koko is a volunteer, can we all help to make her job…
  • James is Holly's 2nd doll, so James is Holly.
  • oh mah gersh she is soooo cuuuuute Amy! She resembles a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Siberian. She looks so much like my babydoll :) I love when they sleep like that, or twist in what look like tortured positions but they are resting so well, and smiling with their little paws up. And their little chins sticking up too. Lol…
  • - More photo booth poses that are not hands on hips.
  • Yes I am getting that glitch in fashion shows and gigs, for the "pose for pix together" tap. No energy bolts. The other taps are fine. I took 2 pix of it and forgot to export the pix, but since others are reporting it, no need.
  • Sweatpants with a blazer? OK, Marzio... I haven't even run across Lila Andrews yet. Wonder how she will look on my game. Yeah, Elisha has the same horrible personality in every game. haha
  • Oh - I have had that no energy glitch the past day or so, with Pose for Pictures Together. I meant to export those pix of that, and post in the Tech forum. Will do it later. Sounds like they are aware of it so no rush.
  • Pumpkin can be good for tummy upsets too for cats or dogs. Must be the plain pumpkin puree with nothing else in it, of course. Pet food stores often sell it.
  • I like the coat on the 'earner dress' - it doesn't show with that much detail in my device.
  • Holly: Zombie nurses...nooooooooo nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Skeery. Carol, at least your Elisha Lockhart looks like she might have money or style...Mine looks kinda kookoo. Lol
  • Thanks, Carol. Her sweater is so drab.
  • LOL hilarious Carol :) I think the top one looks like Freddie Mercury, lead singer of "Queen," but I see what you are saying about his 'Hitler mustache.' Porcupine head...Lol. The Ronald McDonald one really cracked me up. That is some ORANGE hair. I get dolls dressed like the 4th one sometimes in fancy places and it looks…
  • Don't the nannies look different for each player? One way to find out...post your NPCs in the NPC thread too, and share them for laughs.
  • Can you send me an add when you get this? There is one thing I'd love but I am only level 32 despite playing a long time. The little purple and white floral dress. I can't even see it that well so I'm not sure it's floral. It is level 40 something I think?? That would be great and thank you. (If you add me instead, then I…

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5 Agrees