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  • same for me, unfortunately. I also wanted to add that I got O'da from the chests, but the way it happened was slightly different. I saved up a ton of tokens and then bought 10 of them in a row. On the 10th chest, it didn't do the whole spinning wheel animation, it just said 'guaranteed with 5 purchases' and showed a…
    in O'da Comment by robp4p October 2013
  • or go into an easy mission with nothing but two healers, and set them to heal each other... I've done a lot of timings for heals using this method. When the mobs are hitting you in the single digits, and you're healing in the triple digits, you can time as long as you want :)
  • Agree that it is the total of all your character's level. I haven't noticed the enemies getting harder as I level up, quite the opposite since my characters are now stronger and will one-hit enemies from earlier sections. When both my healers are training I make a game out of going back and replaying earlier content to see…
    in Party Level Comment by robp4p June 2013
  • I would really like someone from Glu to respond to this. With a moderate sample size and a stop watch, I've recorded the number of swings/casts/heals per second and the +atk speed gear makes ZERO difference even on the latest patch. Given that some of the best gear (purple, orange) has +attack spd/+cast spd as a primary…

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