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  • I'm on an iPhone6 with iOS 8.3 and since yesterday my game crashes every 20 seconds or so. It doesn't happen on any specific event. Sometimes when I get a notification and/or when I receive a phone call, when I talk to someone.. It's really annoying is there a problem with the game or is there something I can do? Please…
  • Thanks! That sucks :( I missed that event (the game wasn't working on an older iOs) Hopefully there will be some new hairstyles like this in upcoming events :)
    in Hairstyles Comment by tashy_83 June 2015
  • Hi everyone! I'm new here and I hope you can help me.. Can anyone tell me where this hairstyle is from?! And how can I get it?? THANKS!! :D
    in Hairstyles Comment by tashy_83 June 2015

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