
NEW Content!

goro3dgoro3d Registered Users 26 Posts
This game needs new content like gems and sockets for those gems! As a person who loves new gems and stuff from various games I think the max sockets could be at lest 2-3 the minimum would be 1 the colors you choose well thats up to you cause orange and red can be seen as fire etc....
The gems would do fire and addition burn damage cause the magic damage seems useless!
Need a fire gem and poison gem a lightning gem(new element) and a cold gems and this way you can see these elements actually doing additional damage in stead of lasting like a very few second.
Everyone knows that fire would eventually set the enemy on fire and do addition burn damage along with poison/cold/lightning/fire.
Enemies would turn the color or be set on fire by the gem(s) being use like if a combo were being use like fire and cold the enemy would turn blue and be slightly on fire or if its lightning and poison he would be glowing with yellow bolts and be green cause of the posion so on and so forth
It a great game but also the level cap being at level 31 isn't high enough I think like 75 would be great make it as high as Eternity Warriors 2 cap limit but also add harder areas as well.
Or make a sequel with my content ideas but will take no credit cause you devs here at glu games will be making a possible update or hopefully HEROES OF DESTINY 2!
Hope to hear back from you great folks here at glu games!
Also what does everyone else think?
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