
Stuck on level 27!

jonhock1jonhock1 Registered Users 6 Posts
Has anybody out there ever had a list of problems with commando 2 like the ones that follow???
I have been having severe problems with my game. For at least 2 weeks, I have reached level 28 and 29 but when I turn off my KINDLE FIRE HD 7 and turn it back on again, the game resets itself to level 27 again and takes away any new 3 star players that I earned PLUS it took away my Brute Shotgun that I had upgraded to the maximum. Also, I had my 3 star squad members maxed out for upgrades. I thought I had this solved once when the game had taken away my Hellfire Machine gun but then these VERY Major glitches started all over again. Amazon support did help me get the machine gun back and I thought everything was solved back then. One of the crazy things that the game does is that it is stuck on day 33 which means that every time I turn it off and turn it on it welcomes me to my "Day 33 bonus item" page. This is about the 10th day that I got my "Day 33" bonus! Needless to say that I've dumped a bunch of REAL money into this game (approx. 300 bucks) and a normal person would probably give up but I really love the game (and I'm retired so it fills up a lot of my extra free time) so I'd like to eventually get the thing working So I can Beat it and then be able to just play it without any more worries.
I am going through support to try and get this situation straightened out, but I thought I'd ask every body out there if they've ever had these problems or if it's just me.
One last thing- ALL of my other games and apps work fine with VERY few Minor problems and although of retirement age, I am reasonably "tech savvy".
Thanks for listening and any help will be highly appreciated!
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