
Not worth it

magichan1983magichan1983 Registered Users 10 Posts
I have been playing this game for a while now. It is just not worth it to download and play it even it is a free game.

1. The game is top laggy to play. I came put of cover and the game just froze and when it resume I find myself dead and losing the match or failing the mission some of the objectives is finish the mission under certain time but because of the lag you will not be able to pull that of.

2. The arena is offline for a long long time so the fun is out after the missions and stuff

3. To really be good at the game you will have to spend too much real money

4. Those mystery crate winning chance are just **** even with that 5x more chance to win items. They just make a item with win chance of 0,0000001 and increase it to 0,0000005 so in theory yes that is 5x more chance but still.

5. Special items like drone, grenade, RPGs and Healy kits you will have to buy it with gold and only gold. I have over a million on game cash which I can not use too buy anything, why not let people buy those items with game cash? Maybe just paid more to get them but only buying it with gold that is some cheese

So overall and that is just some of the points that I point out and there are many more. So conclusion this game is just a money sucker and not worth it.
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