
Recommended Fixes

stout71stout71 Registered Users 1 Posts
1) The catcher should probably wear catcher's gear. It's a little silly that he doesn't.

2) While the batters basically jog to the bases, the defensive players (outfield, especially) run at a gazillion mph. It would make more sense to have them run at roughly the same speed. Also, the RF and LF players can suddenly "teleport" to foul ***** in order to catch them. Lame.

3) There should be an easier way to acquire gold. Perhaps at the upper levels, (MVP, Hall of Fame, etc.) gold would be a gained commodity between each inning and at the end of the game, rather than cash which is basically worthless after the level 6 upgrades.

4) The draft player "slot machine" is pretty lame. When you click to stop it, it should give you the one it lands on - not another random one. I think I have gotten 3 decent players in about 200 spins and that was at the first round level.

5) Bunting should be an option even when no men are on base. For that matter, bunting should be available 100% of the time. Stealing should be allowed ANY time a man is on any base, even third.

Make this more like real life, guys.
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