
Future Versions

gep44gep44 Registered Users 1 Posts
I've been playing the game about a month and a half, and have recruited about 5 friends who have been playing the game daily. Easily the most entertaining baseball game on mobile, if not of any kind, I've played in years. I prefer TAP to RBI any day.

A couple of things I hope to see in future updates or versions:
- custom batting orders (I understand this is coming soon)
- different stadiums - this is a huge part of baseball. real stadiums would be fantastic, but even different fake stadiums would be an improvement
- historical players - because this game is so stats-focused, would love to see historical players intermixed. see what Out of the Park and Baseball Mogul does with drafting players from historical seasons. Even RBI has started mixing in classic players from different teams. If you can't get the license to use the real names, use nicknames, like 'Sultan', 'Splinter', 'Clipper', 'Unit', etc.

Great work. I hope to see this game grow and not stagnate.
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