
Generic Gameplay Tips

Maida_gcMaida_gc Registered Users 172 Posts
For overall improvement? Do you have any tips you try and live by?

Don't swing at the first pitch with batters less than 7? I find first pitch swings even on fast***** work poorly, unless its an opposite field shot with my 7+ hitters on a strike.

For batters with bad hitting but major power do you try to ensure you get a 3-0, 3-1 fast ball?

Anything else you've trained yourself to do that might benefit others?


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    Amused_79Amused_79 Registered Users 841 Posts
    Be patient early on. If you swing or ar down 2-0 it is very likely they will throw 3 *****. On a 3-2 count they generally throw a strike. Fastball or change up down the middle. But this is in legends. I find they are more unpredictable earlier in rank. If you did get a hit or two in a row, start swing at first ball strikes. They seem to happen when you have a streak going. If not be patient. You can string lots of hits together once u get it going. Any pitcher with a control 3 or less idols not really abide by these rules. If u have high power and low hitting, u will need that down the middle pitch. Higher hitters can turn a curveball into a hit. Lower then 7 u are going to pop out or hit a weak fly ball. Best advice I can give is take the first pitch of the inning. If a strike then probably a ball. If a ball then time the next pitch usually a strike. But with this advice, there are so many variables. Pitchers control, player level of pitching upgrades, and level you are playing at. As I said before if you have streaked a couple hits in a row, I'm inclined to start swinging early. If not be patient and wait for a 3-1 count to pounce. Hope this helps. There is no right answer. After ALOT of at bats, you will learn the trends better. Good luck.
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    Maida_gcMaida_gc Registered Users 172 Posts
    Personal finding, I would say a pitcher does not throw 2 perfect fast***** in a row. If you're expecting a strike, and missed the heater, expect a change up next. Or if it does come with heat, it'll be a ball.

    Of course not set in stone :)
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