
switching accounts

grantile123grantile123 Registered Users 304 Posts
I thought the logging out of google account issue was handled. Am I really going to have to delete and re-install every time I want to switch>


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    ScottyCameronScottyCameron Registered Users 188 Posts
    No just logout... You can enter another account with email login or whatever all in the settings menu...
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    K-DK-D Registered Users 378 Posts
    Yeah Scotty is right. I have 3 accounts and I just log out and tap email then tap "already have account" and type in email and it logs in my other account. Not sure how Droid works but should be the same
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    grantile123grantile123 Registered Users 304 Posts
    I get that and already have 3 teams, but when it try to log out it just sits there thinking and then goes back to the log out option. It's an endless cycle and I can't log out unless I reinstall
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    K-DK-D Registered Users 378 Posts
    Just curious you on wifi?? Sure you have already tired it but if not take it off wifi and see if it works. If you have already tried that then yeah your probably right delete re install and hopefully they fix it for you buddy. I can imagine it's a pain in the A$$
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    SpiderbabySpiderbaby Registered Users 73 Posts
    It's hit or miss for me. Works on 1 device my phone won't let me do it. Both android.
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    K-DK-D Registered Users 378 Posts
    Honestly it seems like GLU needs to see what's up with the droid part of the programming for that then. Cause from most guys have asked if they have issues and they are all on iOS so maybe there is something wrong with Google part of it.
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