
Auto Promotion Bull ****

ZombieNation108ZombieNation108 Registered Users, Member 86 Posts
You're right, I shouldn't be complaining.

Maybe I should be asking instead how the auto promotion works. Maybe Glu could tell us when our team reaches a certain caliber, you'll automatically go to this level. Then there wouldn't be any shock


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    gocubsgo0128gocubsgo0128 Registered Users, Member 272 Posts
    If they stopped auto promoting at a certain level, then no one would ever pass that level. So all the teams that are kicking you butt now would still be in your same division, so your suggestion wouldn't really fix anything, infact you would probably be worse off because teams that are currently higher than elite would be in your same level
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    InsertteamhereInsertteamhere Registered Users, Member 268 Posts
    All Prime player teams that are ranked Novice. That would be pretty devastating to the game in terms of getting new people to start playing. Auto-promotion sucks but is necessary.
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