
Does Player Speed/Attributes Impact Defense?

ariusvideoariusvideo Registered Users 29 Posts
Seems like I've seen this mentioned here, but can't seem to locate a specific post on it. But does anyone know if a player's speed or specific attributes directly impact their skills on defense? I've played some games where my hitters make hits that go right between the seams and in other games (against a team with similar upgrades) that the infield gets right on top of the b@ll before it has any chance of making it to the outfield. I originally thought that the Infield/Outfield Hands Upgrades had a direct impact on how quickly your players got to the ball, but not so much any more. Does anyone categorically know that a 7-9-8 Correa is going to have more of a direct impact on your defense (in terms to limiting opposing scoring) over a 9-3-2 Escobar?


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    KCChamps15KCChamps15 Registered Users, Member 50 Posts
    My gut reaction is that this game isn't detailed enough for that to be the case (especially when it comes to defense). I don't really have any evidence to back that up, though.
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    InsertteamhereInsertteamhere Registered Users, Member 268 Posts
    According to Glu customer service, no. I asked them that question a while back and got a good detailed answer. Speed is only for offense. Defense speed is 100% controlled by upgrades.
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