
Resets win streak?

RunalldayRunallday Registered Users 14 Posts
Is the game set up to reset your win streak if you reset the game or just don't play for a bit to allow your energy to rebuild?


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    InsertteamhereInsertteamhere Registered Users, Member 268 Posts
    Runallday wrote: »
    Is the game set up to reset your win streak if you reset the game or just don't play for a bit to allow your energy to rebuild?

    You have that expiration timer. When that runs out your winstreak resets. Is that what you were asking?
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    RunalldayRunallday Registered Users 14 Posts
    Apparently. I don't know about a timer, but if there is one then that's what is doing it
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    CoxfloppingCoxflopping Registered Users 4 Posts
    I'm have the same timer as well. My buddy plays and doesn't have the timer. Thanks alot Glu. This game is the worth the dog **** on my shoe
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    ^Everyone has a timer. The idea that some do and some dont is just flat our wrong. LOL
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