
Need a new successful club...stats listed

BLong654BLong654 Registered Users, Member 1 Posts
What's up guys.

I was formerly in a club for 3 months and decided to leave because I could not stand the members of it anymore. The club was highly productive daily (except Thursdays since GLU decided to cram HR Derby down our throat) and I am in search of another good club to jump on.

I can play daily along with weekends. Everything below is a rough estimate (sometimes more/sometimes less but not by much) but if your club sets minimums for daily events, please just let me know what is expected of me and I will be able to meet the requirement.

Monday~ 100K
Tuesday~ 100-300K
Wednesday~ 200-400K depending on how many BG's I have
Thursday~ 5-10K depending on how well the derby contest is going
Weekends~ 300-500K

I am also in search of teams that want tier 6 to be a top priority on 3/5 days.

Start a random game with me: blong654 and just send a message in the game letting me know this is where you got my name to start chatting and we can go from there.


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    Zack_HogieZack_Hogie Registered Users 10 Posts
    Random question, how do you score so many points? Are you just spending a lot of money to play the events over and over? I have been playing for awhile but I still can only manage ~10k on a weekend event and that's with playing everytime my 5 energy come back.

    I have a 4 1/2 star team and have been playing for a long time, but I still don't know how people score so much. I have just been sitting in a club by myself for months because I can get the 10k/25k cash rewards and that's all I really am worried about since I still have a few stats at level 14. I just don't understand how people are scoring 100k+ on events
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    B1RDT0WNB1RDT0WN Registered Users 19 Posts
    Started a game - just left another club again where a few of us carry a bunch of bs'ers. Im not going to score millions but consistently contribute top half and #1 once in awhile. Willing to put up more with right club
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