
Scam alert. Must read.Seriously..really read it.

LuckyjulzLuckyjulz Registered Users 3 Posts
Everything about TSB16 is a rip off money making scam.
#1:you can literally spend nearly $1000 and STILL not max out stats.
#2:stat upgrades do NOT make a difference after level 5.
#3:the "free gold" section is bogus. I'd estimate about 80% of completed offers do NOT reward you/do NOT fulfill their end of the deal. TSB16's excuse for this is that it is ran by a 3rd party and they have no control over it. It's a **** bogus excuse. They have a contract with this company and get paid for every completed deal. Since they're making money off of YOU completing an offer, there is no excuse to not make sure agreements are fulfilled.
#4:they have a no refund policy. Not just any no refund policy though. If your phone is stolen and charges racked up, no refund. If a friend is playing on the phone and accidentally makes a purchase (or in my case, if your totally drunk girlfriend starts clicking around), no refund. If your debit/credit card is stolen and someone uses it to make purchases,no refund. They says it's aaallll in their terms and policies agreement.
#5(ext. of #1): Their prices are UNGODLY high. Put it this way, there are 20 levels to attain for every position (9 upgradable positions). By the time you reach level 9 and want to upgrade to level 10, it will cost 400 gold bars per position. Which would cost (if you're buying the gold) nearly 50 dollars real time cash. That's just to reach level 10, there's ten more levels to go, with a price increase of 50 gold bars per level, per position. So if you wanted to reach level 15 (700X9=6300 gold bars), at $100(real time cash) for 10500 gold bars, or $50 for 4800 gold bars, you would again be spending $100(real time cash).
#6(ext. of #2): as I said, upgraded stats passed level 5 don't make a difference in game play. If you're level 10 advanced player you can (and more than half the time will) be beaten by a level 3 novice or amateur player.
Skill level makes almost no difference. The winner of each game is already pre-selected at random. So they have you thinking all you have to do is upgrade to advance, spend more money to advance, when the advance is bull **** and non-existent. Hence the reason there are SO many people trying to figure out easy cheats. There are a few genuine cheats out there, but most are bogus so don't bother.
The creators and runners of this app are SUCH greedy scammers I've made it a personal goal to notify as many people as possible. And if you don't believe me, read their reviews.
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