
This game is rigged

I don't understand why this company wants to torture us. This game would be so fun if it was fair. It's ridiculous. You can go 5 games in a row hitting absolute moonshots and hitting great, moving around the bases etc. But as soon as you enter a playoff game or something similar, the computer absolutely destroys you. There is no such thing as gaps in the outfield, or the infield for that matter, because every ball goes directly at a person. The infield shifts seem a little too perfect as well, considering every time a shift is put on you just happen to hit it straight to where they shifted. Good luck getting solid contact on a ball in a game you are supposed to lose, it's literally impossible. The same pitch you hit 500 ft last game? That's a popup to the outfield, or a weak grounder. Maybe they will let you get on base every once in a while with a walk, but wait, that was just to set up the double play that they seem to turn at least once an inning. Your hitter has an 8 hitting rating and 9 power against a pitcher with all 5's? Doesn't matter in Tap Baseball, you're screwed either way.


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