
Boxes vs picks

cornstarcornstar Registered Users, Member 214 Posts
which is a better use of gold? Boxes(&which one), 5x #1 or #1s on sale?

if it makes a difference im a 3.5 star with no plans of advancing ranks


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    BoMorris23BoMorris23 Registered Users, Member 9 Posts
    The 5x promises you a better player... and gives you more guys to trade in for EXP. BUT... it is 1.5k, whereas the single #1 pick is 225 or 300 gold.

    I personally don't do mystery boxes because I don't have 1,500 in gold to waste to get 25k in cash.
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    [Glu Sports] blueleopard[Glu Sports] blueleopard Administrator, Moderators 815 Posts
    I don't really worry about my roster until all my upgrades are maxed out, then I look at players.  I find multi-drafts to be the best value because you'll at least get one good player, and anybody I don't need I'll just trade in to level dudes up.
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