

BlandBland Registered Users, Member 22 Posts
Below is the post that they deleted. What a sign of guilt. I also find it astonishing that you can't get a response from anyone in this game, including from customer service, for days when you try to contact someone because of a problem. But when it comes to covering up their own fraud they're on it within 8 hours.: 

Here we go again with GLU. Looks like they took away all gold derby levels except the 100 level. This comes after I spent a bunch of money on this game this year to get gold to level up my sluggers. I'm diamond level and had gotten my 5 star trumbo slugger to level 8. Now I can't even use him for what I had spent money on to level him up-win higher level gold derby matches (2k and 5k games). I wouldn't have spent so much on a slugger if all I could do was play 100 gold games (which I can't even find a match in the majority of the time anyways). Now all the money I spent this year on gold to level up my sluggers has gone to waste, yet another GLU scam. 

Because they did this I went on my itunes account and went back through every receipt and requested a refund for every purchase I made in this game this year. I suggest everyone else do the same (or google for the non apple people). I hope apple/google makes GLU reimburse them for the money they have to reimburse to GLU's customers as a result of their shady practices. 
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