
4 gold???

ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
If you all read my latest thread dirt pitching please do read and comment because I know there are strong feelings out there about this game. I know I have a sentence about cheaters if you're going to comment about cheating in the game please refrain because there are far greater issues this game has that leads people to do so. So please read it I'm sure 90% of you all will agree maybe more and bluleopard I know you have a soul because you've showed me it. I want to get your opinion. As I digress, as far as greater issues, charging gold to chat on the global chat... huh? Why? If you all are not gouging us enough for gold just add one more thing. It's like paying for air...hold up don't give Glu any ideas they'll figure away to charge gold for that too.
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