
Things I Would Like To See Happen

FLYGRIMEFLYGRIME Registered Users, Member 5 Posts
This post is going to be about the things that I would like to see in the future of Tap Sports Baseball. 

1. Manually Picking The Lineup - I don’t know if there is a way to do this as I have found nothing, but Right now the line up feature in this game does not allow you to manually pick your line-up. I think we should be able to customize it as we see fit. 

2. Bunting & Stealing - Why can’t we bunt and steal whenever we want? I think this should be something to consider. 

3. Better Profile/Player Statistics - I would like to see ranking on users. Who’s team plays the best? What is a users sim/play ratio? Things like that. These things can help clubs better pick they’re players based on skill level. 

Clubs - There should be a cap on how much money a club can have to make things fair. Yea buying the gold makes you guys money but as far as gameplay I think it’s unfair for the people who are able to buy gold all the time Vs the people who can’t. I don’t know how you would do this but it’s just a suggestion. 

Skill- if a pitch is down the middle and I swing with perfect timing you would think one would hit it hard. Sometimes I find that if the pitcher is rated higher than the batter it’s hard for one to get hits. This May or may not be true, but when I play teams of higher Caliber it’s almost like I can’t hit the ball and my team is pretty damn good right now. Idk maybe you guys did that on purpose to encourage people to buy gold and money but man if you fixed that to be purely skill based and still find a way to make money off of gold would be amazing. Now if they sim it’s a different story because it’s only fair for the Better team to win. But man I play this game religiously and play like I’m in the major leagues. Haha I want it to be a more competitive game against these top teams who have it all. The Story of the underdog is always great! 

More 5 star players- every time I buy a box I get nothing !!! Maybe we could have something like if you purchase a box a certain amount of times you will be eligible for a guaranteed 5-Star player or something idk just a thought. That can be cool. 

Real Money - if we could earn real money somehow. That would be awesome! E-Leagues are popping up all over and Tap Sports can be competitive enough to do something like a professional league. I think players would appreciate that. 

Like i said just a few things I would like to see. Just an opinion of mine. If anyone else has something to add please feel free! I love tap sports man! 
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