
can't load past 37% app after update / left club and rejoined problem related?

SpicoliswaySpicolisway Registered Users 36 Posts
well we've had a club with the same guys for a couple years my brother has always played a little here and there on my tablet. he moved away so the other day at like 8:40 am I decided I wanted to reset my points so I could acuratly tell from now on how much Ive scored. so I left the club, got decided back with 9 mins before the event started. I accepted the invite and the game crashed. when I logged back on it it showed as if I wasn't in a club, however my friends said it shows me there. it says swheros hasn't logged in in 178965 days for some reason but they couldn't send another invite bc I was already joined. I figured maybe Glu doesn't want people quitting and rejoining for some reason so maybe the next day it would straighten out. nope, same problem so I noticed the update available, did that and at 37% it stopped and at the bottom said YOU HAVE A CORRUPT VERSION, UNINSTALL AND DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION. I've done that several times and still can't open the game. anybody had either of these problems?
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