
JOKE Mystery boxes

RocketttRockettt Registered Users, Member 3 Posts
edited January 2019 in Tap Sports Bulletin Board
within in the last 3 days iv spent $1,000 well over 140k gold on there boxes, everyday getting mainly xp,pxp,lxp. Pulling the crap players. I’m done with spending money on glu and with there laziness since after Xmas has been a huge joke. There legend players in the boxes are a joke and would not make my team but the only reason I would go for them is for the bonus points for club rank. Double blow out skill?! That is completely worthless for events such as woh and even close prime games or bonus games. But hey what the heck it’s all for club rank. This weekend Friday January 11, I spent 45k gold alone pulled baby hitters 2 primes 70% of it was lxp, pxp, it’s almost as if glu can adjust the true odds of getting the big bonus player, it’s all fraud and my bank will investigate it. Plus Apple and a private company can look into what glu says odds are to what they really are. Huge lawsuit could possibly come out of this. Glu you have turned into a money grabbing lazy team. 
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