
Problem *HELP*

DeuceDeuce Registered Users, Member 61 Posts
So, I've been playing with a bunch of the same guys since '16. One of them was jailed for glitching this past summer. However, every time he tried to start a new team (even honestly), it was jailed within minutes. It appears GLU applied an IP/Device ban. He quit trying to start a new team and hasn't played with us for the last few months. He just started a brand new team in '18 to try to get a few decent keepers to bring to '19. Within a few days he was jailed again. I believe him when he says he didn't do anything wrong this time. He really has no reason to lie at this point, plus he was honest about glitching last summer.

Any ideas? Is there a way for GLU to remove that IP/Device ban?
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