
New Update

Waynehsu770Waynehsu770 Registered Users 16 Posts
One thing about the new update. The way barriers are free now is not fair to old players. I know it's really nice for everyone. But some old players, like me, spent a few warbucks on switching barriers already so I'm just saying, not so fair.


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    Kush_snipesKush_snipes Registered Users 1,067 Posts
    One thing about the new update. The way barriers are free now is not fair to old players. I know it's really nice for everyone. But some old players, like me, spent a few warbucks on switching barriers already so I'm just saying, not so fair.

    I know what you mean . When i was new i wasted 6 war bucks to change barriers because i thought i was UPGRADING each barrier to make it destroy each barrier easily till i saw that it was not that way but still good to know now i dont need to worry and pay more
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    someGUYwithADHDsomeGUYwithADHD Registered Users 52 Posts
    I probably spent over 50 on changing barriers. I've just accepted the fact that they are gone now. So should you.
    If it makes you feel any better.... I used to spend all my glu credits on expensive weapons in order to save them from the "negative glu credit glitch"..... well I just logged back in after the update to find that the 700 credit gun that I had invested in, had been lowered to a 300 credit gun... so I ended up losing roughly 400 credits over night :(
    YES.... I REALLY have A.D.H.D., why is that so hard to believe?

    "A man who makes no mistakes, is a man who does nothing at all." -Favorite Quote
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    MomMom Registered Users 35 Posts
    Just to give a little insight into these changes:

    Game development depends on constant iteration these days and we are always working on tuning and balancing the game for the best experience possible. Most of the time, these changes are beneficial for everyone but occasionally, we will have to make changes that offer the best experience for new users while being deemed unfair to early adopters.

    I would think of it in terms of hardware. When a new pc/phone/tv/etc. hits the market, the price will be very high but over time, prices drop as even better hardware is introduced. We are trying to treat the game economy the same way: altering prices, tuning the systems, adding new content, etc. The benefit for early adopters is that you have a great head start on new content as it is introduced!
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