
Gold for top 5 daily rankings not working



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    Ballz.deepBallz.deep Registered Users 5 Posts
    Got robbed again today.. #1 in all 3 catagories. I will follow up with a screen shot but Notice where it says " your standing" and "your score". That's exactly what you get when you go to collect.
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    Ballz.deepBallz.deep Registered Users 5 Posts
    Can't get a pic to attach. But is shows your rank as - ... And your score as -
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    Amused_79Amused_79 Registered Users 841 Posts
    Yes pretty sure. It's happened a couple times in wins where I was tied with 4th place. But was 4or 5 down and it said 7th and I got cash not gold. Try it. I hope I'm wrong, but I know since then I've played the limbo trying to stay in such a small area to get gold not cash.
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    Srol1332Srol1332 Registered Users 25 Posts
    Try English, Jerome.

    Amused: I think some people literally wait til the last second and then submit autoplays. I was in 3rd for hits by 1 hit and at the last second it said I took 4th so who knows. I'm with ya tho, it's probably a **** shoot. Just have to try and time it right and pray they give it to you haha.
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    Amused_79Amused_79 Registered Users 841 Posts
    Srol1332.. I agree with your earlier post about if they are trying to deter cheaters, then have 4-8th win gold. It is just misleading now that it says 1-5 win gold and only 4th-5th do. It is a small minority that probably reads this forum, so the remainder of players probably have no idea why they are not getting gold. I guess I am mainly asking that Glu clarifies what the rules are. I have had days that I legitimately placed 1st-3rd by playing other players and the computer and not auto playing, only to not receive the reward. it has been a couple weeks now and there has been no word or update from Glu. And playing the balancing act of being 4th or 5th to win a little gold is getting tiresome. You are right, I am sure a lot of people, including myself, are watching that last minute as people jocky for position and my solo 4th place finish turns into a five way tie for 4th with me at 6th and out of the gold even though I still hold the tie. Because 1 more win and I am 3rd. Its a no win situation that needs to remedied. I looked at the earlier posts from August and early September and there was a moderator/administrator Spicy_Pants that represented Glu and helped answer questions. Where is the support from Glu to help their player with this question? its been the number 1 topic for a while and keeps getting bumped to the top. I have submitted customer service requests through different avenues and have not heard anything. I just hope they have not abandoned this game. Because they have a good product, but their execution of late is more then confusing. I, like all of us, just want some answers. Ok I'll get off my soapbox now. haha
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    jemicjemic Registered Users, Member 297 Posts
    Amused_79 wrote: »
    Srol1332.. I agree with your earlier post about..


    I do receive some of the response from GLU but those responses look like from the one who has never played this game.
    Making more money from this game is OK but at least you have to make the game more qualify for your customers.
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    Srol1332Srol1332 Registered Users 25 Posts
    Sent in a customer ticket awhile ago and got No response.

    Well fellas, looks like the only thing we can do is accept the game/situation for what it is. Just have to fight an extreme up hill battle to beat the legends or get your dream team roster.
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    Amused_79Amused_79 Registered Users 841 Posts
    Geez, even beating the legends had clearer answers then this current leaderboard situation.
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    taxi driverstaxi drivers Registered Users 17 Posts
    Yesterday I got 100 gold for finishing in the daily for hits. But today, I was in the top 3 in the weekly for runs, hits, and wins, and i got 0.0 gold.

    what a joke. why have the "contest" if you don't want to pay out the gold?

    between the broken gold deal, and the incredible stingy after-the-update-draft wheel, this game is really starting to blow
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    Clark22Clark22 Registered Users, Member 324 Posts
    Yeah I hope they fix this. I'm out about 3000 gold since November 1
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    Amused_79Amused_79 Registered Users 841 Posts
    How does 11 wins 94 runs and 214 hits in a day make me lose out on gold when it says 1-5 win gold? Do these seem like cheater type numbers? After playing the legend playoffs two times through and a handful of player vs player games, I get no gold. Thanks Glu. I'll make sure not to play your product so much. If you say 1-5 win gold, then 1-5 should win gold. Not just 4&5. It's Buisness Ethics 101.
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    401 BodyBaggers401 BodyBaggers Registered Users 2 Posts
    Yeah but I bet if u pay u get the gold right away. I already lost track of so much go I done got ripped off for.
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    401 BodyBaggers401 BodyBaggers Registered Users 2 Posts
    redbird wrote: »
    I placed in the top 5 for the day but when I went to get the gold it just shows up blank and doesn't have any results. The one category where i received the cash bonus instead of gold worked just fine.

    Anyone else having that trouble?
    Yeah they've been robbing me since the update. Only got paid once out of like 25 times I placed on leaderboard. Dont even play no more because if u can't win gold what's the point. But they wanna charge a arm and a leg to buy gold and then when u win fair u Dont receive nothing. If everyone uninstalled intill they fix it then something would happen. But everyone wants to keep playing. So they ain't gonna fix nothing. Because they want u to have to buy gold. Striaght scam.
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    Clark22Clark22 Registered Users, Member 324 Posts
    The fact that this hasn't been remedied is disappointing. I think I'm down about 6400 gold since Nov 1
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    StlPerfectosStlPerfectos Registered Users 1 Posts
    This happened to me today. I ranked number 1 in two of three weekly awards and in the top 5 for the third. (3 gold winning ranks) I received all my daily awards in cash, but none of my $1.1K in gold. Has anyone had any success in contacting customer service? Very discouraging. What's the point of spending time playing a game if you don't get rewarded?
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    TatimusTatimus Registered Users 40 Posts
    I was in the top 5 in all the weekly rankings this week and only received gold for hits. I've sent out messages to customer service in the past and again today. Still haven't heard anything.
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    Clark22Clark22 Registered Users, Member 324 Posts
    This happened to me today. I ranked number 1 in two of three weekly awards and in the top 5 for the third. (3 gold winning ranks) I received all my daily awards in cash, but none of my $1.1K in gold. Has anyone had any success in contacting customer service? Very discouraging. What's the point of spending time playing a game if you don't get rewarded?

    I've been asking about it since September. :/
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    Monkey ChickensMonkey Chickens Registered Users 9 Posts
    Customer "service" is a joke. They send me generic responses so every time I get ripped off i respond with how much more gold I get screwed out of. The latest joke is that they tell me that it must be my wifi connection...my wifi connection somehow magically awards cash but not gold. Nice try.
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    costa2292costa2292 Registered Users 2 Posts
    It BS in my opinion this happens to me daily and it's frustrating!
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    jemicjemic Registered Users, Member 297 Posts
    Customer "service" is a joke. They send me generic responses so every time I get ripped off i respond with how much more gold I get screwed out of. The latest joke is that they tell me that it must be my wifi connection...my wifi connection somehow magically awards cash but not gold. Nice try.

    This is the funniest response I have ever seen. Good job GLU!!
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    TatimusTatimus Registered Users 40 Posts
    I received a message from GLU saying that they are going to gift me the gold promised from the leader board. They said this is a one time gift and their staff is working "rigorously" to fix the problem. The only problem is my gold is still at the same dismal amount it was at yesterday. I'll give an update later.
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    Clark22Clark22 Registered Users, Member 324 Posts
    Tatimus wrote: »
    I received a message from GLU saying that they are going to gift me the gold promised from the leader board. They said this is a one time gift and their staff is working "rigorously" to fix the problem. The only problem is my gold is still at the same dismal amount it was at yesterday. I'll give an update later.

    Let us know what happens
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts
    I received the same reply from Customer Care a while back, and like Tatimus, have received nothing.
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    TatimusTatimus Registered Users 40 Posts
    Well I woke up this morning and had about 600 more gold in my bank. So I guess GLU followed through. My only complaint is the fact that I've been shorted more than that but oh well. Hopefully things will be fixed with this new update.
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