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  • There are some people that can do 300 games/hour on Iphone 7's so that number is not even close to being out of the question. Especially if you throw in the 1.4x multiplier. I have an android so I cant personally put up those numbers that quickly. I'm not saying people don't cheat. I am only saying those numbers can put up…
  • I was released sometime this afternoon. 
  • I went through the Help button on the app and got a response this morning stating that the developers are looking into the issue. Hopefully it will be fixed at some point this weekend.
  • Cubsfanatic1908 has been jailed also after winning one 5k tourney. I see that the list of guys here are the ones I usually battle Thursdays out with. I would like to have my team back asap. 
  • I doubt they will be making a statement on this issue. Hopefully you get your team reinstated quickly.
  • Game ID: Cubsfanatic1908 After playing a 2k gold tournament my team stopped posting club points. It was my first one of the day. I can no longer access the club store either. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  • You can put it on airplane mode with wifi still working. That cuts down on text and calls.
  • I was instantly jailed after winning a 2k tourney today. Hopefully they get it fixed.
  • I was not able to post any club points once I played a 2k gold tourney. There is obviously a problem with the program that needs to be fixed and teams that need to be reinstated.
    in HR Event Comment by KevinB October 2016

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