Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Banned after too many pinks

Chops aka FatFuq1Chops aka FatFuq1 Registered Users 25 Posts
I would like to hear from someone in charge. I have been banned and unable to participate in multi-player racing for about 17 days. My buddy (Motorhead71) was also banned the same day because we were transferring my cars to his account due to me deciding to quit the game over bullshit from it. Well long story short I am still banned and he isn't. He has been unbanned since Tuesday evening sometime. My question is why am I still banned? This is just another reason why I am leaving the game. I would be grateful for some answers. Glu has one really messed up form of customer support/service department as well as they do not care about customer satisfaction.


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    I have been banned for the last 7 days, I send emails/tickets to customer service every 24 hours and don't get anything back other than the computer generated response email. Does anyone know how to speed this process up, I would really like to race the a class event this weekend. All I was doing was transferring cars from one account to another.
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    Chops aka FatFuq1Chops aka FatFuq1 Registered Users 25 Posts
    They say the usual wait time is 11 days. But I'm already after 17
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    [RR] Sparkle[RR] Sparkle Moderators 1,805 Posts
    If you give me your Racername and the email you used to submit the ticket I can take a look for you. Usually when people face a long wait it is because they did not include the proper information, or they sent an email with no identifying information (it is 300% preferred to use the "?" button in game if possible).
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    Chops aka FatFuq1Chops aka FatFuq1 Registered Users 25 Posts
    I included all that info. But my racer name is FATFUQ1 the email is cbmchops@gmail.com. It has been so long I have missed lots of chances for crates, cars and cash.
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    MOTORHEAD71MOTORHEAD71 Registered Users 212 Posts
    FATFUQ1 and I both got banned on 3/27 for too many pinks. It was 11 days for me (4/7). He is still banned, going on 18 days now......?

    Any news Sparkle?
    I don't want to change the World,
    I just want to leave it colder
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    Chops aka FatFuq1Chops aka FatFuq1 Registered Users 25 Posts
    Thank you Sprinkle. My account is finally back to active. What was the hold up? I uninstalled the game several times. It was just unblocked today. 18 days later. Is there anything that you can do for someone dropping the ball and screwing me over? The whole reason I am leaving the game is because someone on the Facebook page said one thing (after numerous contacts) and didn't follow through. And the straw that broke the camels back was the Google edition BMW M3 GT2 not being included in the event three weeks ago. They say it would be unfair because they Google car is faster. I proved with photographic evidence that the showroom M3 GT2 was actually faster. Again I was ignored then. The customer service and satisfaction is well below standard. Before all this even though RR does not support trades/buying/selling between racers I was robbed of 5 Google edition BMW'S. I don't see how they can support scammers but won't do a da mn thing about stopping them. They are only in it for the money. Which I have spent quite a nice amount of on this game. I am just done. I know me leaving won't make any difference or cause anyone to lose sleep but if any other business treated their customers that way they would be out of business fast. I do appreciate you looking into this for me. Thank you again.
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    Storm20Storm20 Registered Users 6 Posts
    Hey rr admin.. Why my account get banned? I have pink z28 with someone.. Is that because too many i win in pink? Im getting banned just now about 1 hour ago.. I have send email to glu.. My email yay609@outlook.com.. Ign s t o r m 2 0.. Can somebody admin take a look at my problem please.. I have spend too much in the game..
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    [RR] Sparkle[RR] Sparkle Moderators 1,805 Posts
    If you have contacted support then thank you in advance for your patience as there is about a 7-10 day waiting period.
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    Storm20Storm20 Registered Users 6 Posts
    7-10 days waiting? I have spend too much at this game.. Its just because im pinking with someone then i get banned.. Its not worth learning to master this game.. I keep winning but lastly i get banned.. Nice..
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    [RR] PhoenixX[RR] PhoenixX Moderators 1,575 Posts
    Everyone has the same wait time in our ticketing queue. Posting your issue in the forums and Facebook does not speed up the process. We are very appreciative to have you all as players, but we wouldn't want to give anyone an unfair advantage.
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    Storm20Storm20 Registered Users 6 Posts
    Thanks rr phoenix.. I will wait for another 7 days.. Will see im still banned or unbanned already.. I just want to know, how many pink slip limit in a day or in an hour? The more we win, the more we play, sometime cant remember and think about getting banned for many pink slip..
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    Storm20Storm20 Registered Users 6 Posts
    How i want to know if my acc is unbanned already? Did you guys send me an email?
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    [RR] Sparkle[RR] Sparkle Moderators 1,805 Posts
    You should get a response to your support request yes.
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    Storm20Storm20 Registered Users 6 Posts
    Okay.. I hope i get my account back asap.. Thanks for ur help admin..
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    StevensmithStevensmith Registered Users 1 Posts
    I was banned yesterday I really want to play I was just transferring cars about 125 cars and I got banned from online my in game name is ROCKET STAGED 2416
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