Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

timed out for pinks twice today!

BuDZnBooZEBuDZnBooZE Registered Users 92 Posts
Two times today during turf I was raised to pinks...my countdown ran out and game eventually froze..log back on to find I can buy my car back...like wtf?!? Other ppl been robbed like this too? Ik I saw at least one other post...I spend real money on this game...and its sad that I'm more worried about the game messing up and stealing my cars than the opponent's I'm racing...


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    Professordank24Professordank24 Registered Users 600 Posts
    Unfortunately this has happened to about everyone in the game. The admins are working hard on fixing these problems but our job for now is to wait patiently while they work things out with glu and add the finishing touches to what should be a masterpiece
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    BuDZnBooZEBuDZnBooZE Registered Users 92 Posts
    Lol so Im just screwed out of my cars I paid real me for???
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    camshaft motor 341camshaft motor 341 Registered Users 580 Posts
    That happen to me with my maxed nissan gt3 nismo gem rims and gem paint
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    BuDZnBooZEBuDZnBooZE Registered Users 92 Posts
    I did...just wanted to get a idea of how many ppl this is happening to.
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    KingPin007KingPin007 Registered Users 72 Posts
    yeah only thing u can do is send in a ticket and hope for the best.a lot of ppl have gotten screwed because of this.
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    OFF ROAD HEMI2OFF ROAD HEMI2 Registered Users 1,011 Posts
    It's happened to many, many, many people.
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    Rob96Rob96 Registered Users 1,070 Posts
    I posted a thread about this issue the other dsy and ended up losing a bmw m3 gt2 maxed. I sent in a ticket so now its a waiting game
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    Mr. GershowitzMr. Gershowitz Registered Users 393 Posts
    If I was a mod or Cie slash gluu. My response would go like this. You knew for a month since the update that pinking wasn't safe with this horrible present update. So you took the risk so live with it. Lol.
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    BuDZnBooZEBuDZnBooZE Registered Users 92 Posts
    That's probably why you aren't a customer service representative...
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    Fp67Fp67 Registered Users 118 Posts
    Why are you guys still playing this game. Its defective and doesnt work.
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    BuDZnBooZEBuDZnBooZE Registered Users 92 Posts
    When it does work its fun af
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    Lethal240SX93Lethal240SX93 Registered Users 141 Posts
    This happened to me a day after the update went live. Lost a good Civic Si. I immediately sent in a ticket. I noted the time, date, opponent name, and had a screen shot of the timer sitting on zero seconds. About a week ago now they finally got back to me, so a month's time. They added a random 1646 Si (not at all like the one I lost lol) and 100k to my account. So yes it took a while. But if you politely send in a ticket, not ranting and raving, and provide all the details and evidence as possible, they should help you out. Especially if you are a paying customer, as I am.
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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts
    So when we have said in the past that races are irreversible, we meant it. Often times once a car is lost to someone and that person loses the car, we lose track of it. So we end up giving you a stock car along with gems and cash to rebuild. Its a limitation of the tools we have. Which we are improving over time which is why in some cases we can try and restore your car, or in most cases just give you a car along with currency.

    That being said, we do not guarantee that we will be able to provide any restorations.

    Just be sure that when you email customer service you provide as much info as possible and that you give them specific races.

    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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    04TRMN8R04TRMN8R Registered Users 17 Posts
    I sent in a ticket on Monday morning, 8/11 under the IGN 04MUSTANGGTMAN. At approximately 6:15am EDT I lost a near max viper to a game freeze. I challenged my opponent, he raised to pinks and when I accepted, the game froze on me. The red "Let's Race" banner just started to show when it froze. I provided the 3 screenshots to show that the game was frozen but I could still scroll through the cars at the bottom. Unfortunately I don't remember the lobby number or the opponents name. When I rebooted, my car was gone.

    I know there's a risk to pinking especially since the last update has so many bugs with it. I hope I get some help with my loss but if I don't thats OK to. I still like the game and hope the next update clears up a lot of these issues.
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