Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Fix lobby jumping

MalsvirMalsvir Registered Users 117 Posts
i hope I'm not the only one, but trying to race my 1656 cars in a lobby meant for 1650-1656 & getting challenged by 1680,1670 & 1660's is seriously ruining my enjoyment of this game& with the latest update they have gone backwards in that :/


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    215 Assassin215 Assassin Registered Users 966 Posts
    If they put a limit on the rating difference of the cars it wouldn't matter if the person jumps into a lower level. They would be in the same lobby but wouldn't be allowed to race lower rated cars.
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    magpulmanmagpulman Registered Users 5 Posts
    The only downfall to doing that is if you trade it will make it impossible
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    crazyjrcrazyjr Registered Users 547 Posts
    The simple answer to this, is they will not, since they see no problem. I made a thread on this once, and RYYST himself said "you never know what's under the hood". In other words, screw you we got your money. They let the join option run, to Support an unsupported action, trading, That allows weak, pathetic wannabe racer to exploit. The problem is GLU sees no trouble, as this makes much money for them.

    Long answer short, all honorable racers are screwed, by the bottom line. Plain and simple, No matter the spin they want to pull.
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    MalsvirMalsvir Registered Users 117 Posts
    Oh well, looks like I'll just go play Nitro Nation Online if thats how they want to be, they wont be getting anymore money off me
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    aca2012aca2012 Registered Users 7 Posts
    "you never know what's under the hood" thats clear
    or you can see the torque before race pinks thats is
    if we cannot join this game not interested anymore
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    thikprikthikprik Registered Users 22 Posts
    The first thing you should do is, have them prove their rating. Do a free race. You're worried about lobby jumpers, but, is a 56 against a 52 not the same as a 63 against a 56? I understand the lobby is meant for 50-56, but the point still stands. I want to be able to join friends and trade my cars. I can't exactly do this if they patch it up. I say keep it the way it is. Don't pink or bet until you know it's safe
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    [RR] PhoenixX[RR] PhoenixX Moderators 1,575 Posts
    Thanks for the feedback! I'll pass your opinions on to the devs.
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    sweet angel 69sweet angel 69 Registered Users 15 Posts
    my family and i play this game. we enjoy it alot. but its getting out of hand with this lobby jumping crap. thay shound make it like turf and showdowns where people can not lobby jump.because they ruin street credits and the game in general.my family and i have spend alot on money in this game has well with other that do too and would love to see this fix if possible. thx
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    Aloha MongooseAloha Mongoose Registered Users 3 Posts
    Only thing u can really do is when u r in multiplayer lobby is to check out everyone's car. Look at its torque and weight and if u can free race them pay attention to their rating. Also look through a players ENTIRE garage. Some people tend to switch cars after a couple races with people in the lobby and bet and pinks in the higher rating car that looks exactly the same as their slower one...I'm a budget racer so I am always in 1630, 1635, 1640, 1645 lobbies and constant problem I deal with is jumpers everyday and hard to get a legit race unless I'm in turf lobbies or showdown.

    Everyone struggling with lobby jumpers, just try to stay a step ahead of them. It might require to do more work just to get a legit race in, but saves u from having to lose money or cars from them (obviously that's why they went into a low lobby for) and when u find them IGNORE THEM! Some of them get so mad cause they can't race you so they start calling you names,& to make them more upset is if u figure out their rating or see that their torque is dramatically high for the lobby is to expose it them so everyone knows what he or she is running and that they are jumping. Some got really hurt when I do that but it whatever, they don't belong in that lobby anyways and I'm helping out fellow racers in the lobby from losing to these people. I believe lobby jumpers don't deserve to be notice and or looked up to, it is unfair we have to deal with this type of cheating and this scares off new players from the game and people who jumps and call themselves LEGIT makes me laugh.

    Just play smater, know your cars limits, knowledge on cars ratings and such, best times for each lobby, and race check people you are uncertain about then you shall be fine. -Aloha Mongoose
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    [RR] PhoenixX[RR] PhoenixX Moderators 1,575 Posts
    Thanks for helping him out Aloha Mongoose. :)
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