Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

please clarify something for me

sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
since the start of rr ppl were crying from hacks and glitches so my questions are :

1- does glu really cares ?

2- is it illegal ?

3- do they know why it happens ?

4- do they return the lost cars in such actions?

5- do they really act to stop it ?

because i really i started to wounder what takes them such a long time to fix this game when it could be fixed in 24 hours maximum time 48 hours is aa gift from me to glu i really need an answer

i played different games online but this game does really need to be looked at


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    benjiman0benjiman0 Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 89 Posts
    1) Glu does have an Anti-Cheat system, but people will always break it and get around it
    2) Illegal is vague, it's against the Terms of Service, and the Agreement when you play the game, so you could be sued for it, but due to the sheer amount of players, that's hard to do. That and not a lot of verifiable information is given when you play the game.
    3) As I said, they're mostly workarounds of the Anti-Cheat, so although that workaround exists, it is being patched as soon as possible
    4) Actions and in-actions in Racing Rivals in purely down to you, the ToS that you agree to explains this, so no; if you lose something, that is, and will remain your fault. (There are some exceptions, but I'm not familiar with them).
    5) Refer to 3)

    Fixes aren't always the easiest thing in the world to do, especially if a workaround of a Anti-Cheat system breaks the game for regular users, you cannot then patch the game and expect the userbase to stay even if the game doesn't work. If you look at Glu Games as a company, they have published a lot of games on the mobile market, on both Android and iOS, so 24 to 48 hour fixes are unrealistic with the work-force of Glu Games and the user-base of Racing Rivals, for instance.

    It sucks when people get scammed, but there are plenty of ways to make sure that that doesn't happen, and that you get the trade, swap, whatever that you intended on receiving.

    I hope this helps! I don't work for Glu Games, so I cannot give much more detail, but I thought I'd help anyway!

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    sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
    thnx fpr ypur feed back bro

    please dont be offended but losing a car in a hacked / glitched race is not my fault :) abd if u were bot working for glu please dont answer these questions friend

    when we play racing rivals we expect to play in a safe environment that would assure no hacks / glitches are made and if made should be fixed in a 24 / 48 hours

    YES am an old gamer been through many games for different companies and when a glitch or hack occurs they fix them in 48 hours the maximum ive seen was one weak

    so i expect that glu should return the car lost in PINKS only not in trades because its not my mistake if their softwear failed to stop the glitching / hacking and should also ban the player who does that kind of action

    from what ive seen glitchers hackers do actually play this game for free

    free cars specially

    abd we do pay for those cars its our time our effort not theirs thats why their should be an invistigation mechanism for those actions instead of leaving things as they are if they are not going to fix these problems
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    Old WomanOld Woman Registered Users 2,799 Posts
    I'll see if Rysst can provide a detailed explanation for you in the morning.
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    sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
    i do actually apreciate glu for trying to solve problems but mayve they are heading in a wrong direction please create a solution that those hacks and glitches cant actually compramise your firewall
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    sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
    thabk you so much
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    benjiman0benjiman0 Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 89 Posts
    Trust me man, I'm no bot haha

    My comments on the fault being yours on the person cheating a car from you in-game is the stance that Glu Games upholds, not what I do!

    This game is rather dated now, so in most cases it isn't the most important game to be taken care of at Glu Mobile, but I honour every update they make!

    In terms of getting your cars back after you've been cheated of it, there's a help section in-game which does deal with this! Click that and they will try to help moreso than a regular member here on this forum like me :D
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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts
    edited July 2015
    @kenny324410 , once again you have no clue about us. Really. Stop. If all you want to be is poison and spread vitriol, I'm going to have to remove you from the community. Consider this your one and only warning.


    1- does glu really cares ?

    Yes, we do. We don't set out to make a game where people can cheat. Unfortunately thats the world we live in. People out there will always try and take the easy road, or try and take advantage of of people in any way they can. In fact, a lot of people would rather work hard to cheat than actually enjoy and play a game. It doesn't matter what game it is. Our game is a multiplayer experience where the main objective is to beat your opponent. These types of games will always attract those who want to win, and win no matter what, even if that means they want to be jerks and cheat.

    2- is it illegal ?

    In a real world law sense, no. However, if you read our terms of use, cheating and exploits are unwelcome and can cause your account to be closed.

    3- do they know why it happens ?

    Yes, see my first answer. To answer that in technical terms. It's not easy to answer. It's not like there has and is only one "cheat". Fighting hacks and cheats is an ongoing battle for any game. Hackers will always hack. We can find what they are doing and work to plug that hole, but then they'll just move on and find some other way. Unfortunately, no code is perfect. It is impossible to make a hack free program. If it were, hackers wouldn't be so prevalent.

    4- do they return the lost cars in such actions?

    While we can find out how something is done. Knowing what cars were lost due to these things is near impossible to track. That's the plain truth. Our philosophy has always been, "When you put your car on the line, you really put it on the line knowing anything can happen. That includes things outside of your or our control."

    5- do they really act to stop it ?

    Yes. We just banned a bunch of people that were exploiting, and we just put in a hotfix to stop another exploit. Have we ended all hacks/cheats/exploits? No. Like I said, it's an ongoing battle. Hopefully with 4.1 we can plug a few more holes, but its a non-stop battle. The best way for anyone else to help is to not spread these hacks, to report them to us, with details, and of course not partaking in these activities.

    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts

    please dont be offended but losing a car in a hacked / glitched race is not my fault :)

    It's also not really ours either. Nor is it easily proven that its lost to a hack/glitch. We do try and make sure that if a race is... wierd. No one gets punished, which is why sometimes you'll see a Tie Result. That means something weird happened. We used to call them Disqualifications, but we could never 100% prove that the "guilty" party was actually guilty. So we listened to all of you and changed it to a tie result.

    when we play racing rivals we expect to play in a safe environment that would assure no hacks / glitches are made and if made should be fixed in a 24 / 48 hours

    To expect it is fine, but the harsh reality is that no game can really promise that. That would be like saying, every bank is 100% guaranteed not to be robbed, or that this park in 100% predator free. It's an impossible expectation. The very nature of these miscreants is to cheat without being detected. Sure, banks have things in place to protect you if something happens, unfortunately, with a virtual world, it's not so simple. I'd advise reading the terms of use to see exactly what it is you are entitled to. http://www.glu.com/terms

    In fact, I'd encourage you to read the terms of use of ANY game you play. You'd be surprised how similar they are.

    YES am an old gamer been through many games for different companies and when a glitch or hack occurs they fix them in 48 hours the maximum ive seen was one weak

    Thats a pretty tough expectation for small companies like ours. Even when I worked at Blizzard, some "fixes" took way longer than 24/48 hours. We do what we can but the very steps needed to identify and fix these take time.

    1. Identify the issue
    2. Reproduce the issue
    3. Attempt to fix
    4. Test that fix
    5. If it works move on, if not back to the drawing board.
    6. Depending on how code can be released, we can hotfix (changes on our end) or we would need a release (changes on the client side) which in and of itself can take weeks.

    Now with a big company, this process could be sped up with multiple programmers, but with a small group like we have, it takes time.

    Also, if we need to put the fix in a release, the approval time from Apple can be weeks. So, unfortunately a quick fix is an unrealistic expectation.

    so i expect that glu should return the car lost in PINKS only not in trades because its not my mistake if their softwear failed to stop the glitching / hacking and should also ban the player who does that kind of action

    See my first comment.

    from what ive seen glitchers hackers do actually play this game for free

    So does everyone. Racing Rivals is a free app.

    free cars specially

    By their very nature, yes. Thieves usually get things for free. They also run the risk of losing it all.

    abd we do pay for those cars its our time our effort not theirs thats why their should be an investigation mechanism for those actions instead of leaving things as they are if they are not going to fix these problems

    Again, read the terms of use to find out exactly what it is you are paying for. Also don't confuse constantly working on the game for never fixing things. If there was an "Easy Fix" button, we'd use it every single time. We do what we can with the limited resources we have.
    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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    sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
    hey bro i was playing wow for long time since u mentiioned blezzard entertainment :) yes theyxhad some crashes and true about what usaid they got a huge company that really does fix things asap compared to glu

    look bro am not saying i hate the game i do like it but there are indications of a spin glitch for eg

    if a player encounter that type of hack or glitch and nvr reved he would get a good launch on very low rpm ( idling rpm exactly ) compared the normal launching rpm and will launch in a good launch not necessarly perfect btw that does indicate the other player was a glitcher

    as easy as that but still will lose the race usually unless if the victim was driving a zonda vs m3gt2 bmw for example and i guess you guys among all players should do that

    so it is easy to know whats the hacker is using really

    or you can add a rpm @ launch visual to us when finishing a race to support our cause and claims because rt is only showing my reaction time but not my rpm

    you see there are many ways to deal with this situation i hope u guys will

    about this game being free thats not true i disagree with u friend because of these facts

    1- in a compitition everyone is using boosts and u want to have the most points you can in a short time and videos take real long time to keap watching and guess what most of the time it keaps saying there are no videos to watch so u need to buy gems to get boosts

    2- you need to buy gems with real money to get boosts AND to do the INSTANT repairs which i really dont see why it should be done that way we could just pay extra rrc to instant repair our cars instead dont u think so ?

    that will make the game free for us really ofc if someone wants to buy a special car then he can pay real money for it on crates or showrooms or you guys actually can from the way i see it thieves are winning over legits

    regarding with point ppl can get robbed from banks etc last time i checked banks / parks would actually put a compensation to those who had such accidents if it was done but you guys are saying you cant figure a good race from a bad one i dont think this will create a problem if theres a record ;)
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    sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
    anyways i think you answered all the quesrions bro i guess i wish you good luck with the company and hope it grpwth to protect us :)
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    Old WomanOld Woman Registered Users 2,799 Posts
    It's a free game and I played the game without paying a cent for over a year and had loads of fun. When I started paying I had earned turf cars that I sold for iTunes. I never paid anything out of my own pocket. It is a plus to buy boosts and gems but it's definetly an option. They also charge for these things because in the end they are a company and real life people with real life bills.
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    sultanmasultanma Registered Users 107 Posts
    so its not a free ;)
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