Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Damn... Even the slowest rooms are full of scammers.

Goldtop1955Goldtop1955 Registered Users 556 Posts
Truthfully, I don't even race my nice cars anymore..... Tired of being the victim of the never ending supply of glitches and hacks out there. So in the last month or so all I use are my tc's or a civic si. Check this out.... I have a bone stock civic si and go into a room with a few other stock civics and tc. But low and behold, 3/4 of the room is made up of cars running 9.0 or less!! What a bunch of posing frauds. Seriously, some ass clown is in the with a maxed Mazda r spec. The funny thing is, most of these complete losers are from the supposed top teams...... And just to let you know, I just laugh at you because you will never be as good as me without cheating with your jail broke phones and glitches. And you suck so bad you have to race people with stock civics just to win cars!!!!! **** off.


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    D3mon12345D3mon12345 Registered Users 200 Posts
    It's getting way out of hand with these glitchers and scammers
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    Mud DiggerMud Digger Registered Users 1,928 Posts
    Are you talking about standard lobby's or turf? In standard, yes I too get annoyed when I'm in a low lobby and get bombarded by much faster cars. But it's from people joining others with much faster cars, not a hack/glitch.
    In turf, if your car is bone stock you are prob at the bottom of the lobby, but no way should they be running 9's. if this is happening in turf then it absolutely needs to be looked into.
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    Goldtop1955Goldtop1955 Registered Users 556 Posts
    Mud, I'm talking about the standard rooms.
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    Mud DiggerMud Digger Registered Users 1,928 Posts
    The yes I agree it's super annoying and very discouraging.. BUT, not a hack. It's the way the game is. You know what would be cool, if they gave us the option to join a "open" (anyone allowed) lobby or a "closed" (turf style) lobby. THAT would be sweet. Cause then people can still make trades, join friends etc. or have competition with out the bottom feeders.
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    [RR] Foxx[RR] Foxx Moderators 2,164 Posts
    a trading system is on the horizon.
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    deezy24deezy24 Registered Users 304 Posts
    this is another reason why it's so tough for me to want to race anymore. When I log in now I just look at my cars in the garage. I don't even race because of all the nonsense that goes on lately. It's way out of hand. Jailbreakers always stay one step ahead.
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