Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

to the man who tried to scam an messed up plan...



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    DrifterMickeyDrifterMickey Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 3,286 Posts
    Yep I could still take him down
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    B3NN3LIB3NN3LI Registered Users 1,419 Posts
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    DrifterMickeyDrifterMickey Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 3,286 Posts
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    SlipSlip Registered Users 1,429 Posts
    Lmao xD gosh I really hope someone gets this guy.. How is he gonna scam a whole account
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    speedometerspeedometer Registered Users 718 Posts
    Its funny how im the bad guy i agree i was angry an said some mean stuff lol but i didn't scam the guy he tried to keep thw account an have me pay him but yaw forgetting abt that but who care wat yaw think that man apologize an said ok now i will get off an let you do watever..why becuz he was still connected to the account PERIOD...I DIDNT STEAL ANYTHING....AN O YEAH ACCORDING TO GLU/CIE THERE NO SHOULD THING A SCAMMING TO THEM IT'S CALLED STUPIDITY..TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK...DONT GIVE OUT YOUR PERSONAL INFO...GLU IS NIT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ITEM LOST...I DIDNT HACK HIS ACCOUNT.He tried to steal an it didn't work period...
    O an shoutout to those in my inbox telling me he scammed them be before This guy is not a saint he just got caught. An o yeah glu said you cant sell THERE property cuz they own it soooo to all you smart ppl out ther that like getting robbed for weed an calling the cops nuff said...
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    SlipSlip Registered Users 1,429 Posts
    So you didn't pay him? @speedometer ?
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    Caboose1744Caboose1744 Registered Users 13,341 Posts
    You are so **** stupid you took His account but your no scanmer bull **** shit either give it back or pay or your a scammer
    What's up beautiful?
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    215 Assassin215 Assassin Registered Users 966 Posts
    How can you say he tried to scam you when you never paid him? Even if he took it back you didn't lose anything.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    I was hacked according to RR recent forum post as RR does not recognise trading and/or agreements. Subsequently I have a lodged ticket formally through game centre and FB.

    I would imagine its not in their best interest to not condone logging into other peoples accounts and removing assets. Doing so would give users the inclination that GLU find this action acceptable which I'm sure is not in their best interest.

    I have also requested digital licence ownership claims as I have receipt of purchases in game but digital acquisitions/product are possessed by others. Retrospectively my payment method recognises digital purchases and security we'll see how GLU progress prior to involving them. Ultimately what you did will be considered (see below for elaboration)

    Please also see terms and agreements :
    "You do not own the Virtual Currency that you purchase or the content that you acquire in the Applications in exchange for Virtual Currency (“Virtual Items”); you instead have a license to use the Virtual Currency in the Applications." My licence has been stolen.

    Please also see code of conduct in forum @speedometer its been nice dealing with you now if you could be so polite to return my stolen cars and take your ban including device and ip ban I shall continue accordingly knowing RR will be better without cheats like yourself.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    edited September 2015
    Forgot to add :

    You agree that you will obey all federal, state and local laws, regulations and rules that apply to your activities when you access the Site or use the Applications, and you shall respect the rights of all other users of the Site and the Applications. In furtherance of the foregoing, by way of example and not as a limitation, conduct that violates these Terms and which will result in the revocation (with or without notice) of the licenses granted to you to the Site and Applications includes:

    •Attempting to get password, account information or other private or personal information from another user or from Glu. (you hacked into my account)
    •Defrauding or misleading Glu or engaging in any suspicious activity;
    •Using or communicating exploits to gain an unfair advantage in the Applications.
    •Using, developing or distributing “auto” software, “macro” software or other “cheat utility” software or applications in connection or combination with our Applications.

    I would also like to state that I paid taxes on my purchase which constitutes as valid purchase meaning the licence belonged to me. You my friend have committed theft.

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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    I attempted to log back in after no payment was received after 10 mins of saying it would be and noticed items missing. Ultimately I tried to stop it, but was too late. Now no payment and no account but RR does not see legitimacy of trades he logged into my account and stole my cars if he were legit this wouldn't have happened. I was to quit now my purpose is to see speed get what he deserves for cheating and scamming. I have nothing to lose now he should have been legit and this wouldn't have happened.

    I dint give him access tho. Not unless he lied and meaningfully was fraudulent or misleading which is breaching T's and C's.

    oh and hi @inmygarage / @speedometer two of the same ? your tone text and ongoings seem very similar.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    I will leave it to the authorities now and refuse to comment or be drawn in further. I have evidence of our agreement for PayPal's own investigation and with regard to RR I'll wait for their response.

    Now who's legitimacy is is in question here ? He has everything I have nothing. I have 0 scams he's been suspected previously. My wife is ill I am quitting which was made knowledge to my friends way prior to post. there only 1 criminal here and i'll give u a clue it isn't me. I refuse to be drawn in further now as everything is under scrutiny, Next time I doubt he'll scam if he plays again after this.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    I logged in to find cars that I purchased (and paid taxon) stolen. Racing rivals recognise nothing else.
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    speedometerspeedometer Registered Users 718 Posts
    @InMyGarage you are exactly right i was waiting to make sure i had control FULL Control if you ever bougt an account the you know wat i mean. he never gave me control so i waited an waited an waited thw whole time he is saying IM OFF IM NOT LOGGED IN I CAN'T LOG IN as pics show some time later he say OK IM A LET YOU HAVE CONTROL YOU CAN DO WAT YOU WANT. as the pics shows...NOW say would of sent the money i would of been burnt PERIOD but that dont matter. When we started the deal he said hurry up i only got 17 mins which was bs he stayed on for awhile i guess until he had to go...I THINK the guy is desperate for cash an got caught in the moment an said let me try this guy well wrong guy...P.S i gave most your cars away for free that's my good faith...
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    JuggaloMafiaJuggaloMafia Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 681 Posts
    edited September 2015
    If @SCOTTY7TH is looking for legal action from authorities, there's gonna be a slight problem if @speedometer has visible proof of you saying that you're selling him the account, whether the deal went good or bad.

    That's where you'll have a tough time saying and proving that you were hacked and therefore, difficult to get any legal assistance on the matter.

    Furthermore, the only legal action that could be possibly taken is, again, if you can prove your email was hacked.

    And also, you'll need @speedometer birth given name before you can even persue any legal recourse, which the name is always provided by pay pal when money is sent/transferred.

    Lastly, if in fact, @speedometer knowingly and purposefully scammed you out of your account and it's not just some kind of after sales, remorse and wanting to reneg on the deal. Then yes, he should have to give back control of your account/cars and if there's any cars missing, he should have to reimburse you for the lost items. And not to mention, stealing accounts under the rouse of purchasing them, is dirty as **** and said person should be banned.

    I know a little about the legal system as I've studied criminal justice in college.
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    Mpetz89Mpetz89 Registered Users 3,077 Posts
    @speedometer is def the biggest scumbag on this forum U kno he has no life an no job so so he needs to steal from others an lies about his own life so he feels better about himself what ever way U would like to put it U scammed him out his account I really hope U get what's coming to U
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    blowerchrome1268blowerchrome1268 Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 672 Posts
    This kid ain't even old enough to purchase a weapon
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    Caboose1744Caboose1744 Registered Users 13,341 Posts
    What's up beautiful?
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    speedometerspeedometer Registered Users 718 Posts
    again i dont have paypal i have google an a credit card so there for he cant get any info period google wouldn't release an info its called privacy so thats dead an he sold me the account so therefore he ia wrong period an second more HACK LOL sorry he clearly discounted his google an connected mine with the email that i made WHICH MEANS ITS MINE idiots connected my gmail to the account SO HACK LOL NOT GONNA HAPPEN if anything he tried to hack my gmail... so your lil lies aint gonna work i did the right thing period...AGAIN FOR YOU IDIOTS he attached my gmail to the account so hack i never did that thats dead...bottom line is he tries to steal my money an it didn't work period so be mad for him idc i did nothing wrong except say a few mean things but nothing more then some of the comments you all said as well.have a nice day cuz i sure will....
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    Shadey960Shadey960 Registered Users 9,345 Posts
    Please proof read before you post most of us are trying to comprehend the slow bullshit that you type are you special?

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    speedometerspeedometer Registered Users 718 Posts
    yeah i bet
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    FearMyRideeFearMyRidee Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 3,836 Posts
    Yeah he woulda had yo pay me first if I sold it simple as that
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    I never did anything ? I logged in cars gone u had em without authority. That's what GLU see, I don't know how u got em must have cheated/hacked.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    That's what GLU see as trades ain't recognised.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    I await PayPal response on whether the screen shots are enough to refund and Persue I doubt it tho.
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    speedometerspeedometer Registered Users 718 Posts
    @SCOTTY7TH lol ur a thief well u tried an u failed horribly...an as for paypal yeah u sent an a bill to me THATS ABT IT...nothing they can do simple as that...an u clearly was selling ur account which is illegal according to cie\glu. they responed to me already an basically they said there is nothing they can do u broke ur agreement an ur assed out PERIOD u should of been staight up...i think u were gonna keep account but you **** up an now u wanna play victim cut it out an u have another account u liar u were talkin to me from that account an i got screenshots buddy...
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    U got cars u never paid what is left ? U scammed me how at any part did I scan u ?

    Ffs u are the untrustworthy here as u never completed deal end of story.
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    JustAnonymousJustAnonymous Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 2,482 Posts
    edited September 2015
    Well.... in my opinion.

    Scotty had a "hand" on the account. You had a "hand" on the account. Until the transaction was made ( you giving the money to the essential "other hand") the account didnt belong to you. You technically stripped it of its virtues without his consent. You werent given proper consent until he was paid. From what is evident- he wasnt paid. So furthermore and foremost. You scammed. Theres no way around it.
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    SCOTTY7THSCOTTY7TH Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 888 Posts
    +1 ^^^^^^
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